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A look of confusion passed by Lucy's face as the bandages came undone, then realization and lastly came the look of horror. She looks up at Natsu with widen eyes, and for a second he felt his heart plummet until Lucy's grip on his arm tightens. It wasn't a grip as if she's terrified but a tiny squeeze of affection and understanding.

"Why..." Lucy didn't get to finish her question, and she didn't need to cause Natsu knew exactly what she meant.

"I guess I have some explaining to do don't I?" Natsu said with a sigh.

"Yes you do, now start cause I have a feeling it's a long story."

"You have no idea," he replied and immediately started to recall the events of the past couple of days including every detail and why he kept it a secret. "and well, I found out that I'm actually E.N.D." Natsu concluded.

"You kept it a secret because of that? You're the Natsu I have know no matter what, I don't care if you're E.N.D or whatever! You should have told us, we were worried sick about you!" Lucy said quite furiously.

"Sorry," and the way Natsu said it made Lucy stop yelling and she smiled and said "remember no matter what you're always going to be the hotheaded, idiotic Natsu I've always known okay?" and at that even Natsu smiled.

"Thanks Lucy, you know what I'll tell the whole guild the truth when I get back," he decided with a note of resolve in his voice, and with that the two of them started to walk back to the guild together, with an atmosphere of silent understanding hanging between them.

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