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I threw the blood bag I just drank on the floor and reached for my next one.

Just as I ripped open the top, I heard a loud crash come from Charlotte's house next door.

I slowly put down my blood bag and got up from the couch, walking over to the window.

I looked through the curtain and saw nothing.

I closed the curtain and started to walk back towards the couch, but my sensitive hearing perked up as soon as I heard a door slam.

I raced back to the window, peering through the curtain again.

"Sorry you had to hear that." I heard Charlotte say to that twerp she hung around.

"It's fine. It's a step above from what I usually witness." The boy replied.

I watched them as they walked to the car parked extremely close to my house.

Then, the boy told Charlotte if she ever needed a place to stay, he was there for her, to call her if she needed anything, blah, blah, blah.

They hugged each other, then he got into his tiny car and drove off.

I watched Charlotte for a moment or two, looking at her as she crossed her arms tightly around her to keep warm and stared after her friend's car.

Just as I opened the curtain a little more to get a better view, Charlotte turned her head and looked right at me.

"Shit." I mumbled, quickly closing the curtain and racing back towards the couch.

I grabbed my other blood bag and took a giant gulp. I felt ravenous, I needed more. But I had to control. I only had a small amount of blood bags left, and I needed to save them before I could go out and get more. I needed to plan how I would get them without anyone knowing...without them knowing.


Beep. Beep. Beep. My alarm clock buzzed loudly and I groaned as I hit it with my hand to shut it up.

I looked at the bright red numbers. It was 5:30.

I rolled out of my warm and comfy bed and rummaged in my closet for an outfit. I chose a creamy white sweater with a plaid scarf and my ratty moccasins I've had since I was a sophomore. I got dressed then I padded into the bathroom down the hall.

I brushed my teeth, brushed my wavy dark brown hair and put some foundation and a little mascara on my face.

Then, I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.

My mom was sitting at the kitchen counter, her head in her hands.

"Mom?" I said quietly.

She lifted her head up. She was pale and had dark circles under eyes and it looked like she hadn't slept for years.

"Oh, hi honey. Is Tyler giving you a ride to school?" She asked in a weak voice.

"No, Cole is, but...are you okay?"

She sighed and shrugged.

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

I was never really that close with my mom, or any of my parents to be exact, but my parents have been fighting over millions of things ever since I was in middle school, and my dad was always very verbally abusive and he was usually the one to stay fight. But my mom needed someone now. And I was her daughter and even though we didn't have that much of a loving relationship, I would always be there for her.

"I'm sorry about Dad, Mom." I said.

She hugged me back and I felt her shaking. When we pulled away, tears ran down her face.

"It's okay. I should've known this was going to happen. Him coming home drunk, starting to get physical with you kids. I'm sorry if he scared you." She said.

"He didn't."

I looked intently at her.

"What were you two even fighting about?"

My mom shook her head, her eyes watering even more.

"Nothing, just stupid stuff again."

I nodded, but I could tell she was lying.

A car horn beeped outside now, leaving me no time to question my mom further.

"That's Cole. I'll see you later."

"Okay, Charlotte." said my mom.

As I headed for the door, I turned around before I walked out and saw my mom staring into space.


She snapped her head up and widened her eyes.

"I love you."


"Morning." Cole said as I got into the passenger seat of his car, handing me a Starbucks cup on my way in.

"It's your favorite, caramel macchiato, double shot." He said brightly.

"Thanks." I took the cup from him and took a long sip.

"Something wrong?" asked Cole, backing out of my driveway.

I shrugged.

"My dad still didn't come home, and my mom was just a little upset this morning. He's probably drunk in a bar somewhere."

Cole was silent for a moment as he drove out of my street.

"Sorry, Char." He mumbled. "I don't know what else to say."

"It's fine, Cole."

A few minutes of silence and coffee drinking later, we pulled into the school.

"Ready?" asked Cole.

"Of course!" I said in a mock happy tone. Cole laughed as we both got out of the car and headed into school.


I pulled my car into the student parking lot of Central High School around noon.

I got out, pulling my hood down lower over my head.

I walked towards the entrance of the the school, but then decided against it and went around to the back.

I looked in every window on both sides of the school until I finally found the class Charlotte was in.

I saw her, sitting next to that damn boy again and tapping her mechanical pencil against her desk.

I looked at her for a moment longer, listening to the teacher talk about random shit I had no clue about, and then I stepped away from the window and walked off.


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