Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I'm near home now. I can feel the cold gravel under my feet and the sky is a brilliant orange, Peeta's favourite colour. I miss him. I want to see him, it wasn't his fault. He needs to know I love him and forgive him. Suddenly, my foot hits a rock and I fall over. Face first. My face scratches against the gravel and my hands get cut.

"Why me!?" I yell towards the sky.

I feel a warm pair of familiar hands on my waist. They lift me up and turn me around. I wince, pain shoots up my back.

It's Peeta.

He looks at me and eyes me up and down. A single tear rolls down his cheek as he stares at me, I keep my eyes locked on his but he never looks me in the eyes. I feel like he's just stabbed me. He can't even look at me.

He stares at my pot with disgust.

"They think I've broken it" I say. I don't know why I think it's best to inform him before the questions start.

He nods, still not looking at me in the eyes. He slowly reaches for my hands and pulls it infront of me opens my hand and puts something inside. I don't look at it. My eyes still locked on his.

He looks at the gravel. "I'm so so sorry..." And with that he walks off.

I hear his heavy breathing and the bang of his door. I feel alone again, unwanted. I walk into my house. The place seems bare, empty, sad. The bedding from last night is still on the floor, scattered about. The glasses, quarter full of liquor sit on the table, the curtains are shut. I walk into the kitchen to see if there's anything to eat. The kitchen is cold and there's the faint tap of the dripping from the leaky tap. I can't see out of the window because of the fog outside. I look towards the wash basket and see a few of Peeta's shirts crumpled on the top. I grab one and hug it. It still smells like him. It's comforting. I was going to go and sleep in the bedroom today but I won't be able to walk up the stairs with this pot.

I miss him. I want him. I need him. I had him. I lost him.

I won't be able to sleep tonight without him. I grab my coat and put it on.

I walk out the house down the street to Peeta's house. I climb up the small steps towards the door and knock.

There's no answer.

I knock again but still no answer. I open the letterbox and shout through.

"Peeta it's me! Please open the door... It's cold."

I still don't hear anything. I bend down and sit on the doorstep. It's cold and I'm shivering.

"Peeta... Please! I'm so cold!"

No answer. I've had enough. I remember there's a spare key hidden in one of the plant pots. I search them all until I see a shiny silver key sticking out of the mud I grab it, place it into the door and twist.

As I walk into the house shock hits me.

The house is empty. The furniture is all there but all Peeta's belongings have gone. I run into the living room frantically looking around the room for some sign of Peeta.

"Peeta?" I say, worried.

I run up the stairs into his bedroom. The bed is made. He never ever makes his bed...

I run towards the wardrobe and slam it open. All his clothes are gone.

"Peeta!" I scream. "Peeta!!!"

I walk down the stairs.

Where has he gone? Has Haymitch called the Capitol? No!

That's when I see it, out the corner of my eye I see a white envelope placed on the table in the kitchen. I walk towards it. It's labelled 'Katniss -x-'

I slowly turn it around and open it. I carefully grab the the letter and unfold it. I daren't open it... I decide to read it, otherwise I will never know what it says...

Why would Peeta leave me a letter? Why is all his stuff gone? Where is he? What's happened?

My heart starts racing...

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