Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I wake up but this time Peeta is in the bed. We're holding hands, I wonder if we'd done that all night. I slowly get up out of the bed, not wanting to wake him up. I stand up and take my pyjama top off to get changed, I was gonna leave him a note because I was planning to do some hunting today, I hadn't been in a while. I walk over to the wardrobe to try and find a top.

"Good morning beautiful, well isn't this a nice view to wake up too" Peeta says.

Oh my gosh. I quickly wrap my arms around my chest, embarrassed.

"Hey! Eyes down!" I screech.

"No... I much prefer the view up here" he laughs, get up out of bed and chucks me over his shoulder.

"Peeta! I haven't got a top on, your lucky I had a bra on! Put me down!" I shout, I can feel my face burning red.

"That's the whole point!," He shouts back. He throws me on the bed. "Now, stay in bed, I'm off to make cheese buns and you shall stay here and wait, understood?" He said with a huge gin. I loved him when he attempted to be bossy.

I salute him. "Understood captain! Permission to put a top on?" I say, trying to contain my laughter.

"Unwillingly granted" and he walks down the stairs.

I seriously need to do some hunting, I haven't been out in so long... The last time I went out was the day Peeta came home. I run to the wardrobe, throw on a black vest top, some blue jeans, a pair of my hunting boots and my dads brown hunting jacket. I braid my hair to the side and decide I'm going to sneak out.

I hate keeping things from Peeta but... I need to get out. I feel awful, I woke him up, he's gone downstairs to make cheese buns for me in the morning and he is gonna come upstairs to find an empty bed and no me and a hot plate of cheese buns that he made especially... Oh god! I can't let the guilt get me. I can't. He's gonna be heartbroken though... Stop it! Right... You can do this.

I quietly open the bedroom door and look around there's no sign of Peeta. Phew.

I run to the top of the stairs. Oh crap! The stairs are squeaky! I try and keep to the inside of the stairs because they seem to be the strongest part. I tiptoe down the stairs. My heart is racing. I don't know what he'll do if he catches me... He will probably get very upset and go in a mood. I hate it when he's in a mood, it makes me feel like crap. I hear footsteps coming from the kitchen. Oh no! Has he heard me? I wait patiently but he doesn't come.

I carry on going down the stairs, I reach the bottom undetected. I made it!

I look around the corner. Crap! The kitchen door is open... What am I going to do now? I think of giving up but I'm not a quitter. If I can survive the hunger games twice and being the Mockingjay, I can survive getting out the house from a boy who bakes bread. I quitely walk across the corridor. I am so lucky that the door is basically right next to the stairs. I try to open it, but I forget the chain is on so it makes a loud bang.

"Katniss, is that you?" Peeta says from the kitchen, I hear his footsteps coming towards the door.

Come on! Stupid chain! Come on!

I pull the chain off and break it in the process. I figured there's no need in being quiet now seen as he already is coming and suspects it me.

I open the door and quickly slam it and run for it.

I'm running as fast as I can to the fence but it was too late. I look back and Peeta is coming out the house and is looking at me.

"Katniss! You get back here right now!" He shouts with a smile on his face and starts chasing after me.

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