Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The letter feels like a 10-tonne weight in my hands. I open it.

"Dear Katniss,

Ill be long gone before you read this letter. I just wanted to say I am sorry. I shouldn't of ever come back and I would have never of hurt you. I never meant too and need you to know no matter what happens, I will always love you. I will always love you from the bottom of my heart. Always and forever. You was the one girl I could never live without.

Now I have lost you and I will never forgive myself. I need you to know you are the most beautiful, interesting, gorgeous, intelligent, strong and independent woman I've ever known and I'm proud to have called you my girlfriend. I'm sending myself back to the Capitol... Im catching the train. They might lock me up until I'm better. I don't know if I will ever get better... I hope so because if I do then maybe we can be friends again.

I love you Katniss, Always.

Peeta xxx"

Tears stream down my face and fall onto the paper. I'm heart feels like it been shattered into a million pieces. I've been crushed.

" have called you my girlfriend."

He's just broken up with me. No. I love him and need him. Without him I'm nothing and life's not worth living anymore. I skim read the letter again, the ink runs down the paper as my years spill over and splat leaving huge transparent gaps in the paper. Then it hits me.

I've just seen Peeta... He can't be long gone. I've just seen him. He must of thought I wouldn't come round for a while.

"...I'm catching the train"

The train! That's just a sprint up the road. I need him. I need to stop him. My pot. I can't run in a pot... I hop to doorframe and start kicking my pot against it as hard as I can. I ear a faint crack and I go mental kicking my pot everywhere. Pain screams through my body. I try to ignore it but its screaming for attention but if I'm going to stop Peeta I'm going to have to run... That's going to be agonising but he is worth it. A loud crack sounds from my leg and the pot falls to the floor. I smile in triumph. I dash for the door. Tears stream down my face. My leg is agonising.

I let out a huge scream. I've been in much more pain than this but it doesn't stop it from hurting. I dash through Victors Village and down the mucky-brown gravelly path which leads to the Justice Building which is now in a bad way and is used for the community. The train station is just behind the Justice Building but nobody really uses the trains. Although, we are now allowed to use the trains freely, the tickets are still very expensive and most of us can't afford them.

I cut through the Justice Building. I slam the doors open and run through the grand room into a dark and damp and cold corridor. At the end I see a glass door which is directly infront of the entrance of the train station.

I crash through the glass doors. The glass cracks with the force of my elbow. I feel wet on my elbow. Blood. Great. I'm crying, screaming, in agony with a broken leg and blood is dripping from my elbow. This is so going to convince Peeta to stay...

The train station is very small as its only for District 12. When the Capitol ruled nobody came here. It was the poor, poverty ridden, small, forgotten district. I run towards the help desk. I'm so out of breath, my lungs feel shrunken. My mouth is dry and my throat burns. It's a strange feeling. I don't think I can talk. The man at the desk just stares at me with his mouth wide open. I hate it when people do that. I'm gonna have to talk. It's the only way to find Peeta.

"Where... Capitol.. Train... Departure... Peeta..." I choke out, I'm not gasping for air. I'm gagging for it. It feels like I've been strangled.

"Excuse me, miss? Do you want me to tell you where the train going to the Capitol is?" He asks, still eyes wide open.

Wow. He's good. I nod.

"Platform 2," He says.

"Now!? Stop. Train!" I gasp.

"What!? Stop the train? I don't have that auth-" I hear before I'm dashing to platform 2.

Where's platform 2!? Where's the signs!?

"Peeta" I try to shout but it comes out as a wheeze.

I see a big number 2 spray painted onto a wall. There it is.

I sprint to it as fast as I can. I feel like I am about to collapse. My lungs feel like they are collapsing. My throat feels like it's going to set on fire. The pain I am in is sending spikes of pain up my spine and causing black and white bits to flicker around the edges of my vision.

I run to the wall. I'm desperate just to lean against it to have a rest but I can't. I need to find Peeta. I need to shout him. I breath in as much as I can and successfully scream.

"Peeta!!" I scream.

I start sprinting again and make it onto Platform 2 and a train is pulled up already. Where is he!? I can't see him! Suddenly, I see a boy. A brilliant blonde haired boy standing next to the train. Suitcase in hand walking up to the train to get on. It's Peeta.

"Peeta!" I wheeze.

I start running. I probably look such a mess. I catch my reflection in the window of the train. My face is red and blotchy and wet from all the tears. My top and jacket arm has a big patch of red and droplets of blood dripping off my elbow. My trousers have a tear in them and my hair is still in the messy braid I did 4days ago. My eyes are hollow and have dark circles underneath like I haven't slept in a year. I haven't really. My lips are swollen. I'm still running. I'm running like my life depends on it. Peetas foot is on the train. I take a deep breath.

"Peeta!!!" I scream.

His face turns around in my direction and his mouth gapes open. I hear a thud, his suitcase is on the floor and he is running towards me. People keep getting in the way. My eyes are locked on Peetas and his are locked on mine. I feel something beneath my feet. I'm going to fall... I can feel it. I look down for a milli-second and see a patch of water. I slip forwards. I'm falling and I haven't got time to put my arms out infront of me. Suddenly, a pair of hands lock around my shoulders and quickly lifts me up. I'm exhausted and my vision isn't doing so well. The black has caved in bigger and I'm dizzy.

"K-k-katniss?" Peeta asks.

"Yes..." I say, gasping for air.

"What are you doing!? You look like you've just ran a marathon" Peeta says, a slight smile spreads across his face but immediately disappears.

"I.. Came... For... You" I choke.

"What? Why? I-I-I nearly killed you... Why did you come here for me?"

"I had too... You are the... Only one... I love... I need you.... I love you." I choke.

"You love me?"


We are both crying now. His hands grab both sides of my face and his lips press against mine. Every time we move outer lips they seem to interlock again. Like a jigsaw puzzle. I grab his waist for support if nothing else. We stand there for what seems like forever until Peeta breaks away. Did I do something wrong?

He takes a few steps back from me. What is he doing?

Suddenly, Peeta is crouched onto one knee. Oh my god.

"Katniss Everdeen... You are the one and only and I will forever love you. I have done some bad things in the past but you have always overlooked them and forgiven me along the way. You love me and I love you. I don't think I could live without you. So here I am. On one knee, in a train station, your... Bleeding?..." His face becomes concerned. "I'm bad at this stuff... As you can see I've never done it before... What I'm trying to say is... Your my life. Your my world and nothing is ever going to change that. So... Katniss Everdeen, will you do me the amazing honour of marrying me?"

I gasp. I hear a loud bang and everything goes black.

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