Tummy's aches part 2

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Jaxs POV
"So are you still mad at me " I ask Tara "yes moron I was just horny " she replies "wow I feel so cheap " I say "no but seriously babe don't be mad at me " I say she sighs " fine I just hate the fact that the baby is almost here and your still doing the outlaw shit what if I go into labor while your on a run and you get thrown in jail and miss his birth ?" She say "babe that ain't gonna happen the prospects barley do anything " I say "okay baby " she says "hey babies " my mother greets us "hey gem" Tara says "hey mom" I say and kiss her cheek "I gotta go mom I love you " I say and hear a sigh from Tara "I love you too baby " she says and walks away "bye Jax I love you " Tara says and starts walking away I grab her wrist she flinches and let's out a wince of pain "hey you okay " I ask she holds her stomach and sighs "yeah this kid is gonna be the death of me " she says playfully but I've heard people died from giving birth "Tara that's not funny " I say "Jax I was kidding " she says "I know but I can't ever imagine a world your not in I wouldn't be Able to live in a world your not in " I say honestly she pulls me into a hug "I know baby I'm sorry " she muffles through my shoulder "I love you see you on Sunday " I say and give her a kiss she waves ass I ride off "where the hell you been boy !?" Clay asks "fixing shit with my old lady " I respond "well we almost left without you " he hisses "well I'm here now why are we wasting time I say "Jackie boy where ya been ?" Chibs says "look I'm here now can we go " I say annoyance clear in my voice with that we ride off into the night when we get there its nearly 2:35 when I get a call from juice " hey bro what's happening?" I say "um your old lady " he says "yeah?" I ask "holy shit juice call the ambulance !" I hear my mom shout "what's going on !?" I shout "she's having our new prince get here now " he shouts and the line goes dead "Clay we gotta go " I say to him and the group of men "boy we just got here and i-" I cut him off "you wanna be there when your grand child's born or not ? Either way I'm not missing my sons birth " I say "Holy shit let's go meet our new prince !" He shouts and the men start cheering
Tara's POV
Its 2:34 in the morning and I feel a sharp pain in my back and I start screaming "Gemma ! Gemma ! " I shout she rushes in "whats wrong baby ?" She asks "I don't know I kept having these belly aches all day an-" I let out a wince of pain " holy shit baby those ain't belly aches your in labor come on get up can you walk ?" She says and tries to help me up "hey what's going on ? " the prospect juice says "baby time go go call Jax! " she shouts he runs off to call Jax and I fall "holy shit Juice call the ambulance !" Gemma shouts "Gemma this hurts like fucking hell " I shout she strokes my hair from my face "I know baby just breath " the ambulance rushed in and put me in the back of a EMT Gemma rides with me and holds my hand We get there and the doctors rush me into a room "sweetie it's time to push " a doctor says "no my boyfriend he's not here " I say and look at Gemma "its gonna be okay baby but my grand baby is not gonna wait any longer " Gemma says and tries to soothe me " okay " I say "1..2..3" the doctor says each time before I push "Mom I can't do this " I say towards Gemma who I now saw as a mother her eyes tear up "listen baby you need to do this it'll be alright " she says I nod in agreement it felt like someone ripping through me I let out one last scream before I heard the most beautiful cry I've ever heard Gemma cut the umbilical cord just then Jax rushes in I look at him in disappointment I turn my attention back to my son they hand him to me and I start crying as he opens his eyes he has my green eyes pale skin beautiful rosy cheeks i start stroking his soft hair he starts wheezing and they rip him from my arms Jax comes to my side and I push him away and turn I couldn't look at him the machines started going off " she's losing to much blood " I hear a nurse say "OK I'm sorry dad but you gotta go " he says to Jax "what the hells going on !?" He shouts "baby let's go they'll take care of her " Gemma says to him "they'll explain everything to you in a few minutes " he says they walk out " you're OK sweetie just need to do a surgery on you " he comforts me I start wheezing in panic " my baby is he alright ?" I ask "yes he's fine just some minor breathing problems " he says I start fainting "nurse get her a oxygen mask and take her to level b room 101 prep for surgery " he says to a lady they put an oxygen mask on my face and they wheel me out I see Jax panic all over his face *beep beep beep * "doctor were losing her !" A nurses voices echo's in my voice "Tara!" I hear Jax shout and everything went black .

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