CH 9

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The week passed by quickly and soon I was finished with all my finals and I passed them all. It was now Tuesday night and we were meeting my mother in the morning at the airport and taking our private jet to meet Tyler’s family at their winter complex in Minnesota. We are going to do most of the wedding plans; such as my dress, the colors, flowers, and where to have it. Luckily there won’t be many people there. There is only supposed to be around a hundred people there from both of our sides.

“Wake up china.” Tyler nudged me. I grumbled incoherently. “CHINA WAKE UP A ZOMBIE IS TRYING TO EAT YOU AND STEAL YOUR TWINKIES!!”

I jolted awake confused, “Tyler I don’t even like Twinkies and was that a Zombieland reference?”

“How do you not like Twinkies?”

“I just don’t like them never had. I am also not a huge fan of chocolate but I love white chocolate.”

He laughed, “Well at least you got the Zombieland reference. That is one of my favorite movies. I think Emma is really hot and she is nice also.”

“Wait you met her?”

“Yea I got to go to the premier.”

“What?! You went to the premier. How did you do that?”

“I am friends with the director and my father wanted me to do some press work and have people could see me out.”

“Did you meet Jesse Eisenberg? I want to meet him. I love him in that movie. I had a character crush on him. He was so awkward and played WoW. I actually like that game; it’s okay to play but not obsess over.”

“Yea he was really funny. We partied a little afterward. We woke up to a hotel room covered in neon paint and a guy in a burger king suit. It was a great night.”

I laughed, “I bet. Want to finish packing and then play some CoD?”

“Sounds good to me.”

A few hours later we were packed and were playing Black ops. We were both competitive and actually good at it. We were on round 11 on zombies and were still kicking. I had died once and he died twice but neither of us has died for a while. Most people think I am crazy because I still play the first black ops game even though the second id out but I like the first better. We kept covering each other and upgrading our weapons as we made our way through the building. All of a sudden a wave of zombies attacked from behind. Tyler killed three before they over powered him. Since they were already close I killed four more before I died. The game ended there. But I won.

“Yes, I won.”

“I want a rematch.”

“No can do my dear we have to go to sleep. We have to be at the airport early to go meet your parents. Oh God I am meeting your parents. What do I do? Will they like me? It’s not like they have a choice we have to be married. Why am I still nervous?”

“China calm down. My parents will love you. You are sweet, kind, funny, and gorgeous. What is there not to love?”

“I have no idea, I feel like this is not going to end well. This is also the time we are coming out about our marriage to papers and the media. How do I react to that? What can I do this is a little overwhelming.”

“Calm down I will be there through all of it. As long as I am there nothing will happen. Now let’s go to sleep and in the morning we will take everything that comes our way.”


As she went to sleep I started to realize that I am falling for this girl. I know that the next few weeks are going to be hard on the both of us. I will make sure that nothing happens to her. I know that there may be threats from competitors since we are essentially doubling one of the largest companies in the country. No matter what even it means my life I will make sure that China is okay. Now that I am realizing that over the time we have gotten to know each other I am falling in love with her I am not letting her go. I have no clue if she feels the same way. Even though I hated this marriage from the beginning and thought she was nothing but a snotty stuck up rich girl like all the rest; but she plays video games and doesn’t care to eat around me. 

*alright here is the new chapter not much going on here it is mostly a filler but the next one will have some action.

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