Can Someone Give an Explanation?!?!

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Your mother runs out to you.
"What happened?!?! Let me take you to the hospital!!!" she shrieked.
She carried you to the car and drove you to the emergency room.
The doctors had to work quickly to stop the bleeding and give you stitches.
You have stitches everywhere.
On your stomach, on your side, and on your shoulder, where he left his main mark.
You were to stay in the hospital for a few days, since you had so many stitches.
Your friend visits you on your second day.
"Hey, (y/n). How are you feeling?" she says.
"I'm fine. I'm on so many pain killers, my entire body is numb!" you answer playfully.
"It's nice to know you still have humor. So, what exactly happened?" She asked.
You told her the story of how you were almost killed by the murderer.
"Did you get a good look at his face?" she asks, intrigued.
"Of course I did, we got all close and personal!
"Who do you think it is?"
"I know this sounds silly, but I think it's  Jeff, from our class."
"He may look like a psychopath, but I don't think he's capable of killing. He seems too innocent, but then again, I wasn't the one attacked."
"(y/bff/n), it was his exact face! How could I have mistaken it?" you say, a bit irritated.
"Sorry. It's just my opinion, but I don't think you should be getting all worked up."
"You're right. Maybe I did mistake the face. I was a little dilusional because of blood loss."
"Well, I should be going, my mom is waiting." she lets out before leaving.
No, I didn't mistake it. It was him, I know it!
A few days later, the doctors take out your stitches and you are free to go home.
Any evidence of the murders is cleared up and you are allowed to go back to school.
Since you weren't able to wash up at the hospital, you decide to take a shower.
After you take off your shirt, you are horrified of what you see.
Scars, scars everywhere.
You see the mark on your shoulder and its a symbol.
The symbol a capital letter "J".
Just seeing the mark makes you feel sick.
What... What the hell is this!!! Why the fuck did he choose me next?!?!
You overcome your sickness and get in the shower.
You do the rest of your morning routine and go to school.
It is Wednesday now and you have to prepare yourself for the stares.
You know the entire school knows you were the last victim of the murderer and they haven't attacked since.
When you step on the bus, you are bombarded with questions.
You eventually make it to (y/bff/n)'s seat.
You are talking about a new band that you're obsessed with, anything to get your mind off of the incident.
When you look around the bus, you realize Jeff isn't on.
"Where's Jeff?" you ask.
"I've been told he's been staying at home because of sickness. Are you in to him now?" she says and gives you a smirk.
"NO! Why would I be in to him if," you stop trying to be quieter, "if I think he's the murderer?"
"You're still going off about that? I thought we talked about this. He's too innocent."
"I swear it to you, it is him. He's the murderer! It was Jeff's face I saw that night! He even carved a J into my shoulder!" You shout and pull down your sleeve.
"I think you're just paranoid. Just calm down, it's probably a coincidence."
"A coincidence? Will you still be saying that when more people die because of him?!?! I stand by my point!" you are screaming now.
"Oh, (y/n), I just don't think he's the murderer."
You ignore her last comment and move to an empty seat.
She wasn't the one who saw it! She knows nothing!
You get to school and it's a relatively normal day.
You get home and you're alone.
There's a note on the door that reads...

Went to the store and going to the bar after. Won't be home for a while. Call me if you need me. -mom

Shit. Home alone.
You haven't liked being home alone since your incident.
You lie down on your bed and watch some onision videos on YouTube to stay calm.
You doze off into a deep sleep.
When you wake up, it's very late at night and you got a text from your mom saying that she won't be home tonight.
That bitch! She knows I could get attacked again!
You decide it's best you go back to bed.
You shut your laptop and switch into some black pajamas.
You fall asleep in a matter of seconds.
You wake up to a screeching sound coming from your window.

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