The Attack

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"Why now though?" you ask.
"We think it has something to do with your pregnancy." (y/bff/n) responds.
What is it, (y/n)?
We have word that Zalgo is going to attack tonight.
Oh shit! We're not prepared! Some of us are on missions out of town!
I get that. It's pretty much you, Toby, Clockwork, (y/bff/n), and I. Even Slendy is going after some disturbance in the south! He must've sent the message by telepathy.
"That's not all, we also have word that people have been betraying us, so keep an eye out for anything suspicious." she says.
"We need to prepare if there's going to be an attack!"
"Already being taken care of."
You and Jeff wait in your room, with your knives, but nothing comes.
It's the next day and there's still no attack.
You walk up to your friend and start talking about it.
"Was there a false alarm?" you ask puzzled.
"I guess so. I don't know, but we all have to go on our runs. I'm being paired with you and Toby." she answers.
"You've never been out killing with me, have you?"
"No, this should be fun."
You go grab Toby and go out.
The entire way to the house, you feel like you're being watched, observed.
You will hear something rustle, turn around, and see nothing.
I think I'm going paranoid because of the false alarm.
Maybe. No matter what happens, remember, I love you more than anything. Without you, I am nothing anymore.
You can feel yourself blush.
Jeff, I love you, too.
"We're finally at a good house!" you announce.
The house is large and run-down.
You know who lives here.
It's one of the senior girls that would actually talk to you once in a while.
You decided to go here because you needed to see a different person you knew.
You see the same people everyday and it's gets a bit boring.
You were going to kill her, but you just needed to see a different person.
You all walk inside of the home and the air smells of caramel and coffee.
Shit! They're awake!
It's just easier when they're still asleep. I'm surprised, though. It's fairly early.
"You two get the parents, I'll get the girl. She has two brothers. You can take them on, too." you whisper.
They nod and go toward the kitchen where the parents are sitting.
You walk upstairs to find the girl.
You walk inside a room covered in purple and blue decorations.
The girl is sitting on her bed on her laptop.
"Hello?" she yells.
You walk fully in, knife in hand.
"(y/n)? What are you doing here? Didn't the cops question you?" she asks.
"No, I've been away from the neighborhood, hanging out with my friends, murderers." you answer, tense.
"Wh-what are you talking about?"
She sees the knife.
"What are you doing?!?! (y/n)! You're scaring me!"
"That's the point of killing, to put fear into the minds of victims and others."
"You want to KILL me?!?! Why?!?!"
"It's my job, simply put. I have a boyfriend who cares so much about me, and a new life planned."
You pat your stomach.
"You're pregnant?!?! How can you do this when you're going to have child?!?! How will they react? Have you thought about that? What will your child think?"
"You ask a lot of questions. My child will grow up around it. Their father is none other than THE Jeff the killer. I have been reborn as Luna Afterlife! This is a better life than I had before! I hated almost everything and everyone! Now, I have a new family filled with creepypastas."
You lunge at her and get on top of her.
"What have you become?" she says simply.
"Nothing I don't want to be."
The door opens and Toby and (y/bff/n) walk in.
They are covered head to toe with blood.
"Would you like to help me?" you ask.
You don't need their help. Just kill the bitch!
I know, but I-
Your thoughts cloud out, and you feel the darkness consume you.
You start laughing uncontrollably.
"That's alright, I don't need help! I will take care of this alone!" you shout.
You stab the girl in the shoulder and she winces, but doesn't scream.
"Scream, you bitch! I might let you live!"
You stab her in the same place and dig the knife in.
"I won't ever scream, even if it will save me! You've become a monster, inhuman!"
"Fuck you."
You slide your knife against the girl's cheek.
She winces again and a little drip of crimson liquid slides down her face.
She doesn't scream.
You stab her leg, then her stomach, then her arm.
She never screams.
You finally slide your knife against her wrists and she screams.
"Good girl, but it's too late. You'll bleed out before you get to the hospital, especially because your parents and brothers are dead!" you laugh.
"Y-you're de-demented!" she gets out.
"I wouldn't want it any other way, my darling."
You slide the knife right on her throat, ending her torture.
Cuts like butter.
No response from Jeff.
Honey? Jeff? Are you there?
No answer.
A strange voice invades your thoughts.
Oh, child, you need not to worry! He's still alive. For now....
Things go black and you hear your friend and Toby engage in attack mode.
(Toby's POV)
The girl died and (y/n) passed out!
Someone crashed through the window and (y/bff/n) and I were ready to attack.
The people who came through the window were Masky, Hoodie, and Zalgo.
"What the hell are you doing here?!?!" I yelled.
No answer.
We were prepared to fight, but we couldn't get near (y/n).
Something was blocking us.
They took her away.
"FUCK! We need to get back to the mansion, NOW!" I screamed.
We ran as fast as humanly possible and got back to the mansion.
Slendy was sitting in the foyer (foyay), reading a book.
"Zalgo took (y/n)!" I yelled.
I was in such a panic, I couldn't say anything else.
Slendy snapped out of his book and said, "Now that you mention it, I haven't gotten any word from Jeff either. I'll gather up what people we have! Do you know where Masky and Hoodie are?"
"They turned on us. They helped Zalgo." (y/bff/n) responded, so I wouldn't have to.
Slendy gathered up Natalie (Clockwork ;P), Ben, and some others like: Herobrine, Lost Silver, Jane, LJ, EJ, Smile Dog, and the Rake.
He told us what we needed to do, and we all set out to find Zalgo's hideout.
(Normal POV)
You wake up in a strange place you could only describe as Hell.

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