A Mental Bind

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"So a mental bind then....."
"A mental bind?" you ask.
"Yes, it does mean you two can hear each other's thoughts, but it also means so much more. There are many dangers to it, but if we try to undo it, it may kill you. We'll just have to keep an eye on it." says Slendy.
"W-why would I d-die?" you ask terrified.
"Your powers are still too weak, and to get you to be strong enough would be too risky. You still have to train, but the training required to do the ritual is too intense for you to handle."
"So, in other words, I'll be stuck with Jeff's thoughts inside my head for the rest of my life?"
Jeff gives off a horrified look.
"Looks like it, except, now you are immortal. Creepypastas don't die unless defeated by Him."
"Who's Him?" you ask intrigued.
"You don't need to know that yet. You'll be fine." responds Slendy.
Jeff passed out.
"He wants to keep his thoughts to himself. I guess he thinks of some odd or inappropriate things... How cute." he answers.
You were instructed to carry Jeff to his room.
Why did I have to do this?
Do what, (y/n)?
It's Jeff.
Nothing. Just rest your mind fucktard.
He immediately shuts up.
After setting Jeff down in his room, somebody was to escort you to your new room.
It was an elf boy who looks a lot like Link from the game series "The Legend of Zelda".
"Hello, I'm Ben. I was told to escort you to your room. You're the new girl, (y/n), right?" he asks.
"Yeah, and I have a question. Why is everyone here calling me by my real name and not my new one?" you ask.
"It's complicated." he answers.
Ben leads you to your room.
The walls are (f/c), while the sheets on your bed are black and purple.
The floor boards are the same as in Jeff's room.
You have a light colored wooden dresser with a black display cloth on top.
"What is the display cloth for?" you ask.
"You sure do ask a lot of questions! It's for your weapon. Of course you don't need it if Slendy gives you powers. That is what happened to mine." Ben responds.
I wonder when I'll get to choose my weapon....
It'll come sooner than you think my dear.
Jeff, didn't I tell you to rest your mind? And 'my dear', what is that all about???
He just mentally laughs.
Sometimes you really piss me off you know.
You lay down on your new bed, enjoying the fact that you now have people in your home.
You did have your mother, but you didn't really consider her a person.
Ben leaves you to your business.
It was now night, so you go back to your old house to pack up your stuff and bring it to the mansion.
You run to your house, and you could have sworn you are faster than before.
When you arrive, you open the front door to see your mother sitting down, drinking again.
She saw you walk in.
"W-who are you!?!?" she screamed.
Oh shit.
What's happening (y/n)?
My mother. That's what's happening.
"It's me, (y/n). I'm your daughter."
She gives you a look of disbelief and you realize, there's no way you are going to convince her now.
You have changed to a completely different person, reborn as Luna Afterlife.
She grabs a knife and asks, "You're not my daughter, so who are you? I'm not playing around!"
You grab a larger knife and you think Am I ready to do this?
Of course you are. Fight her! Kill her.
Jeff! Stop! You're not helping!
I'm telling you what's the right thing to do.
But is it really right? Killing someone? Killing my mom? Is that how it's solved?
You lose control of what you're doing now.
You go towards your mom with the knife, ready to kill.
She tries to stab at you, but you're too quick for her.
You easily smack the knife she has right out of her hand.
You hold her down and plunge the knife strait into her torso.
She screams in pain.
You pull out the knife and plunge it into her again.
You keep pulling out the knife and plunging it in, over and over again, to the point of overkill.
You are finally aware of what you are doing, and look at your dead mother.
You drop the knife and start to sob.
Sure, she was a bitch, but she was still your mother.
That's my girl.
W-what have I done?
Your first job. I know you enjoyed it, by the way you were smiling.
It was true, you were smiling, but how did he know?
How do you know I'm smiling?
Your emotions flow through me, joy, love, anger, all of it. I can feel what you feel. It must be the mental bind.
It must be...
You stare at her corpse for what seems like forever, then you pick up the knife, wash it off, and take it upstairs with you to put it in your pack.
You grab your clothes, laptop, jewelry, cords, and some pictures and put them into a couple large bags.
You take a look at the knife and put it into one of the bags.
You take all of the bags, go downstairs, and take one more look at your mom's mangled corpse, knowing this will probably be the last time you see her.
You run back to the mansion only to hear Jeff and somebody arguing.
"We knew you weren't going to kill her, and now she's living with us!" somebody yells.
"I wanted her to be here for a while, but never got around to it." says Jeff.
"I call bullshit! After the first night you tried to kill her, and failed I might add, you told us you were going to finish the
job! Face it! You do have feelings for her!"
You gasp and listen as they go on fighting!
"You're in love! You are capable of feeling emotions! You have to get rid of her before she gets in the way!" the voice continues.
Get rid of me? OH SHI-
Yeah.... Sorry....
Just forget you heard this.
"I'm not in love. She won't get in the way, she'll help us!" Jeff yells.
You were told to ignore this conversation, but you can't, they're talking about your fate.
"No, she won't! She's too much of a wimp to kill somebody!"
"She's not a wimp! She-she just- she just killed her mother."
"Oh, my... It seems I was wrong about that, but she still will get in the way of your job. You are in love, Jeff."
"NO, I'M NOT!" he yells and you hear a door slam.
You finally walk in the door and start making your way to your room.
You see the person Jeff was arguing with.
It was a girl with one green eye and a pocket watch shoved into the other eye socket, ginger hair, and a stitched mouth. (I don't know her hair color, I had to look up pics and her hair was ginger)
You recognized this girl, it was Clockwork.
"Hey, so how you doing, you know, with the move?" she asks nonchalantly.
You say nothing.
"Hey! I asked you a question!" she yells.
"I thought you wanted to get rid of me." you say and walk to your room, ignoring anything she yells at you.
What a badass (y/n).
I know.

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