The Decision

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"JEFF COME HERE!" you scream as you step to him.
"What?! What did I do?!" he asks.
"DON'T ACT LIKE YOU'RE SO INNOCENT!!! You- you killed her.... How could... you?" you say sobbing.
"Her? I-I didn't realize..." Jeff trails off.
"Jeff! I've had enough of you! You are not worthy of a woman! Leave you scum!" Toby joins in.
"Wait a minute! Slendy can bring her back to life, that is, if you decide to join us..." says Jeff.
I have to go along with it.
"Okay, fine. I'll join you. Anything it takes to bring (y/bff/n) back!" you shout.
"She'll be awoken as a creepypasta..." Toby whispers.
"I don't care."
"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" he asks.
"Let's get to the mansion then." says Jeff.
He grabs your hand and starts running into the forest.
It seems like forever until you reach the run-down mansion.
The shingles are falling off and the paint is chipping.
It looks so old, but it seems there's electricity running through.
"We can't let them know you're a mortal yet." whispers Jeff.
"Luckily, they're all on their daily runs!"
You guys burst through the doors and before you can see the foyer (foyay) of the mansion, Jeff drags you into a room down a narrow hallway.
"Toby, notify Slendy. I'm gonna get in the shower. (y/n) stay here. This is my room, you'll be safe even if somebody comes home early."
Jeff and Toby leave the room and you're left there sitting on a bed.
The room is painted red.
The bed you lay on has red and black sheets.
The floor is some kind of dark wood that compliments the room perfectly.
There are two windows in the room, one on each side of the bed.
The only other thing in the room is a dark wooden dresser with a collection of knives on top.
You lie down on the bed thinking about what's about to happen.
Am I really ready for this? Is it really worth all this trouble? I'll get (y/bff/n) back, sure, but.....
You sit there for what seems like forever contemplating if you're ready or not until Jeff walks through the door in nothing but a towel. (I'm sorry, I had to!)
You feel your face heat up.
"What? You like what you see?" he gives a smirk somehow.
"I what? NO! I-"
He gets uncomfortably close and wraps one arm around you.
"I could take it off..."
Toby walks in.
"Did I just interrupt something?"
"No, Toby, you're just in time!" you exclaim.
"Oh, I see.... Well I told Slendy, and we have to wait for the rest to come home. Luckily, we just have to wait for Jane and LJ."
I won't even ask who those people are.
"He's getting the preparations done. Come with me (y/n). And Jeff, get some clothes on!"
Toby walks you to what you think is the backyard.
A tall man with no face, tendrils, and a black suit stands there.
This must be Slendy.
Of course I am!
There's a voice inside your head.
You scream in fear that you're going insane.
"Calm down, (y/n)! You're safe! That's just how I prefer to speak!" says Slendy.
"Are you shitting me? That is scarier than almost being killed by that jackass Jeff!"
Slendy smacks his face and you realize you just said something completely stupid.
"Sit here." he says pointing to a chair in the middle of a circle of rocks.
You sit down and wait for further commands.
People start piling into the area.
"Everyone's here!" shouts Toby.
"Okay, okay stand still and be quiet everyone! We know how this works!" Slendy yells.
"(y/n), close your eyes and blank out your mind. We will start the chant and you will see your worst nightmare. Don't worry, you'll be fine."
You close your eyes and clear your mind.
You hear a strange chant that sounds Italian maybe?
Visions of your friends and family being brutally murdered flashes before your eyes.
The visions seem too real, almost as if it is real...
They're not real. You reassure yourself.
You can feel yourself start to fidget, and all the visions are changed when you feel arms wrap around your body.
The visions change to Jeff being your worst fear.
"Stop! What are you doing?" you hear Slendy say.
By the time everyone stops saying the chant, it's too late, you've already started transforming.
You feel lifted into the air, the arms still tightly wrapped around you.
Your visions turn to you murdering, to you manipulating people.
You hear a voice in your head, Please be safe! I can't have you die!
Huh? Who is that? You think.
(y/n)? I can hear your thoughts...
JEFF? I can hear yours too...
You open your eyes to be reborn.
You look down seeing Jeff holding onto your waist.
What the actual fuck?
Hey, I was... I was scared for... For you, (y/n).
You look at your clothing and hair.
You are now wearing a black, flowy dress.
Your hair is mint green with black tips.
"(y/n), you have been reborn as Luna Afterlife." says Slendy.
Everyone is speechless, in awe at what Jeff did.
"(y/n), are there any strange effects of what Jeff did?" he asked.
"Well, yeah, Jeff and I can sorta hear each others' thoughts...." you answer.
"So a mental bind then...."

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