Secret and Lies 20

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This is my spin on a KBTBB love one shot. I hope you enjoy it. There is some smut, and violence and strong language please be advised now enjoy!
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Secrets and Lies

Part 20:

Sweetness POV continues:

If all of the troops that Soryu sent here dies. They will remove him from the Ice Dragons. He will be branded as incompetent. In the worse case scenario, Soryu will be put to death!" I say shuddering in my voice, as I am searching the cameras. I switch to another level and then I see them tied up on there knees facing the wall. I realize that they are going to be executed! Those troops are all that they are all loyal to Soryu.

"I found them! They are alive! We have to save them!" I shouted turning the camera.

"No you have to stay here!" Inui claimed.

"I can't! they even have Samejima!" I cried out.

"Princess, please listen to me." Inui pleaded.

"You can't go by yourself! I won't let you! Theirs too many of them! Inui! I can't loose you!" I say crying in to his sleeve.

"Princess please!" Inui pleaded.

"I have to protect you and your babies. Remember your pregnancy they come first! So Please listen to me......." He gently hugged me.

"Okay I will listen to you." I give Inui they're position And We came up with a plan an we executed it. I will stay here and gather information. Inui will set them free.

"Don't worry Samejima we're coming hang in there." I proclaimed!

As Inui leaves to rescue the troops I begin to tape everything that maybe of use. I watch as Mr. Ryuun leaves the roof. He meets the greasy man who attack me at the café.

"Why is he meeting him?" I whispered.

Flash Back at café

"The greasy mans name is Blade. And he is the leader of the Punks Gang. We are to eliminate them." Samejima declared to me.

Flash Back over

"Damn it! He's! A! Fucking! Traitor!!" I fumed. He wants Soryu gone. He will kill innocents to get what he wants.

"Oh you're not smart, Asshole!!! I'm coming for you! No one! I mean no one Fucks with my Soryu, and my Ice Dragon Fraction! Ryuun! You Pissed the wrong Person off!!........." I growled.

I focused the cameras in their direction. And press record. I listen intently on their conversation.

"Do you have them?" Ryuun said.

"Not all of them....." Blade replied.

"Why, whose missing?" Ryuun asked.

"That girl you wanted and the guy who assaulted me." Blade said gritting his teeth.

"I want all of them dead! Now!" Ryuun raged.

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