Foreplay - get better soon baby;)

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I hope you enjoy this part.

It's December 1st and it's freezing cold outside below 0 degrees. I have just dropped my little sister off at kindergarten and now I'm on my way to school. I turn into the school gates and search for a parking spot. After 5 minutes I find one and park the car up.
"Hey, Y/N" - I look over to see Jessie calling me from the lockers.
"Hold on a second"- I lock the car and run over to Jessie and give her a huge hug.
"I haven't seen you In ages!" - she smiles.
"Same I missed you" - we both walk to math class and find out seats.

"Be seated" - Mrs Turnip says to the class.
"Ouch" -I shout whisper to my self, it was a note. I unscrewed the crushed note and it read "meet me later?;)" I skimmed my eyes across the class to see who it would be, Cameron! I knew it! Cameron winked at me and smiled.

Ahh his smile is so hot! Why would he want to see me after class what's so important? Hmm.

*school bell*

I left class and walked with Cameron to where he wanted to meet me.
"We are here" he said a winking.
"What did you wanna speak to me about?" - I say looking at him.

"I wanted to say that I think your the most beautiful girl I've seen! I'm not just saying that." - he smiles at me and hugs me.

"Woah cam, ahah I wasn't expecting a hug" - I smiled and looked at him dreamy.
"Well I wasn't expecting you to meet me" - cam takes my waist and pulls me closer to his body cupping his hand on my face before moving in for a kiss. His plump soft lips touch mine for a few long seconds before they detach from each others.
"I'll see you tomorrow loser" I say winking at him as I walk off.
"Bye beautiful".

It's December 2nd and I skipped school because I wasn't feeling the best. My mom was out of the house and she was at work until late so I have the house to my self.

1 new message-

Cam: Hey where are you? I haven't seen you today.

To cam: I'm at home, I'm not feeling myself:(

From cam: I'm coming over.

20 minutes later cam turned up and is waiting at the door.

Cam lets him self up to the bedroom where I am.

"Hey gorgeous" - cam smiles and kisses my forehead, "I got you food"

"Thankyou cam, that's sweet of you" I smile.

"How you feeling?" He asks climbing into bed with me.

"I feel so weak and not my self" - I clutch the quilt in my hands and pull it up to my face.

Cam wraps his arms around me and pulls me close into a spooning position, my eyes become heavy and I drift off to sleep.

It's been 45 minutes "baby wake up"- cam kisses my lips and hugs me tight.

"I can make you feel better"- cam gives me a smirk and pulls me close to him.

"Show me" -I say pulling his top off of his toned abs.

Cams unbuttons my top and kisses his way down my body to my bottoms and pulls my panties down and throws them on the floor, his soft lips press against my pussy and his tongue Passionately attacks my clit with pleasure.
"Oh fuck" I let out a deep moan. His fingers circle around my entrance cam inserts two fingers into me and pumps hard."fuck I'm so wet" I grab cams hair and push his head down to my pussy "I'm cumming".

Cam finishes me off and works his way up to my breasts sucking on my Nipples and leaving love bites on my breasts.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry if it's to dirty lol

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