School bathroom (dirty for Elle)

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-school bell-
I walk into my first class , it's math I hate it with a passion.

'Be seated' Mrs Yas said to the class.
We all sat in our assigned seats.

From cam:
Hey wanna skip class? Meet me at the lockers.

'Erm miss my moms here to collect me may I go?' I lie

'Yes go sign out first' she replied.

I walked out of class to meet cam at the lockers.
'Hey baby' he says smirking.

"Oh hey you"

Cam pulls me close to his toned body, our lips lock together making it a sweet kiss.

He leads me into the boys bathroom & places me on the counter coming between my legs , he places his hands on my thighs rubbing them , turning me on.

Things have escalated quickly and cam is now inside me, pumping hard and fast.

'Oh baby' I moan

My arms wrapping round his neck and shoulders as he's pumping his length inside me on the counter.
He pulls out and we change positions.

I gently push him to the ground , getting on top of his length and slipping it in my wet p*ssy.

"Oh cam fuck"
I'm trying to be as quite as possible because we are at school and students can hear us if we are too loud , cam made a fake sign on the door so no one comes in while we're fucking.
All of a sudden someone came into the bathroom.
"WHAT THE FUCK" he yelled.
I got off cam and put all my clothes on and ran into the toilet cubicle, cam followed.

The boy
ran out and by what we were guessing she went to the principles office.

"Quick cam lets go" I said running out the door.
"Not so fast their" a voice said from behind me.
I turned around slowly. It was Mr. Puma
"Come with me now!! And you Cameron" he took us to the office and shut the door"

When we got out of the office I lite a joint;) and gave no fucks (expect when I fuck cam) and walked out hot boxing the school corridors.
We got into cams car and cam raced out of the parking lot and went to mine where we finished off.

Lol the end.

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