Chapter Six- What is luck?

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Hey guys (: sorry, this is a week late -.- I was at camp for 5 days, I was supposed to upload chapter six before I left, but I forgot. Then when I came back, I turned on my computer, and I dropped the computer by accident >< the screen got cracked inside the screen [I hope that make sense] and the screen was all white and coloured lines all over the screen. That was the third electronic I broke _._ [first my iPod, then my laptop, now my backup –moms- computer.] thank god my birthday is in 19 days. I got an early bday present 8) a dell inspiron. Whoopwhooop. but, i had to re write this whole thing -.-

OH! check outtt this amazing book, 3 Vamps and a Chick-en. amazing ;] and im not just saying that because im co-writting it Oo xD just check it out (:

Vote, comment, and fannn if you haven’t. 8) Made this one extra-long, [8 pages on word D<]  lalallalalalalal, (:

oh, and WARNING, this isnt edited O: yet. xD

Anyways, I’ll stop talking now. Here’s chaptahhh siiiixxxx. Enjoy O:



[Chapter Six]


Adam’s P.O.V

I woke up to a stabbing pain in my wrist and on my chest. I slowly opened my eyes, which revealed a wall with a small TV hanging on the middle of the mist of white.

Groaning, I lifted my hand to rub my face when the stabbing pain intensified. I looked at my wrist to see it was wrapped in a cast. Then realization hit me. I was in a hospital- the crash?

“Adam?” I looked down to my left and realized my aunt was next to me. “Oh! Adam! Oh hunny, I was so worried!”

“Jane, it’s okay. I'm alright, aren’t I?” I smiled weakly at my petit aunt and saw that she had dark circles under her eyes, her dark brown hair pulled into a pony tail.

“Yes, yes you are. But still, I was so worried.” My Aunt’s bottom lip started to tremble, so she put her hand to cover her mouth.

“Jane, please don’t cry. I'm fine, see?” I slowly got up, trying to conceal the pain throbbing in my wrist as I used it to lift myself up.  Then I remembered; Isabella. “Jane, where’s- where’s Isabella?”

My Aunt whimpered once more before shaking her head once. “She’s fine. Hey, I should call the doctor. He told me to call him when you wake up.”

My eyebrows scrunched in confusion. What’s with the emotion if she’s fine? “Where is she?”

“She’s at home.” She said with a high pitch. What’s wrong? “I’ll be back in a second.”

“Jane?” I asked, but before I could even ask, she was out of the room.

“Weird.” I muttered under my breath. I knew that when the tone of her voice goes higher, it means she’s lying. But, why would she lie?

Painfully, I stood up and walked out my room. Taking a lucky guess, I chose right and came up to the lobby. I walked up to the receptionist and thought of a quick lie. “Excuse me, uh, I forgot my room number. Can you help me?”

The nurse in a light pink outfit smiled at me a nodded her head. “Name?”

“Isabella Tanner.” I saw that she had a confused expression, and I realized that I'm a guy and Isabella is as girly as a name could be. “Yeah, don’t ask. Parents thought I was a girl for some reason, even after I was born. People just call me Tanner.”

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