Chapter 4

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I went in search of my brother Ari. It was perhaps fortunate that I found him in the training room,working out his frustrations on a simulator rather than on Xion. It was not as though I worried for Xion, only that I was not growing fond of their countless squabbling that ended in blood and gore.

"So how was our sister dear?" 

Ari's bright blue gaze did not waver from the silicon simulant moving aggressively at him. I summoned a seat and hoisted myself onto its high perch by the large screen that reflected the view outside. Vast emptiness stared back at me. 

So I turned once more to eye Ari's progress. His skill was improving. Other than merely bashing Xion, Ari had been studying his skills in hand to hand combat from him and was even now discarding the more primitive methods of the Heilors for the Johuan's suave approach to mortal combat. I watched his wings flex and spread wide enabling him to literally fly out of reach of the approaching simulant.

"I wouldn't know. I am still stuck in tapping into her past. It is tiresome. I have only just reached her early twenties in Earth years, its bound to be another twenty odd sessions before I moved onto current times in her mind and then actually locate her whereabouts." I sighed discontentedly. Sona was proving terribly irksome. I wasn't sure finding her was actually a good idea. Not when I would rather do her in for all the trouble she's put us through instead of actually embracing the lost sibling.

"And Sona still has no clue that you are in there rummaging about in her brain?" The sardonic smirk to Ari's grin was at once provoking. 

"I do not rummage. Certainly not in brains... only thoughts," I corrected primly. 

"God at the rate you are about it, the whole planet will likely be blown to smithereens. The forcefield is as you know unstable. I doubt the containment Bimas built will survive much longer. Despite his efforts to siphon off the added energies."

I shook my head at him. " You of little hope. You should know better by now then to second guess Bimas's capabilities."

"And you should know better than to place your trust blindly in him."

He had that right. 

In Bimas, I could not trust and for that very reason, I sort of admired our sister's staunch insistence in not being found. She was right to not trust him... and in doing so not trust us.

But having said that, we were not the bad guys. We only intended to jeopardise hers and our lives in favour of saving the masses. Surely that wasn't all that bad. Insane perhaps but not necessarily bad.

"Why are you here anyhow? Weren't you supposed to be running the algorithms for Bimas?" Ari was closer to Bimas then I was. He also had the interest in tinkering as our sire did. I seemed to have passed by all the worthwhile genes in the big bang that produced us in his lab. My sole purpose afterall was simply to reproduce. A task I had absolutely no interest in fulfilling and one that I doubted I could excel in either. Not when all I was boinking was Xion. Xion who can actually control his reproductive urges.

I could of course simply go take hold of Rita's collections of artifacts again. But I doubt those were simply lying around as duds anymore. Not after I had so clearly proved they were more than potent.

But it was one other artefact that was intriguing me at the moment. The retrieval of which was about to commence anytime now.

"Right I am off. I just stopped by to see if you were going too. Its not something to be missed, the retrieval of the stolen Ovion artefact."

I paused a moment in my exit to watch as Ari hesitated mid-strike and got hammered for his carelessness. 

"Nope! I'll see it through you. Xion didn't really want me there anyhow."

I shook my head at him. If it hadn't been for the prank he pulled on us last night, he would have been there himself now. It was probably the reason why he was pummelling his frustrations on the poor simulant to silicone dust now. But it was only to be expected, Xion took me to bed last night not Ari. Ari should have stayed out of it instead of swooping in my mind amidst my momentary orgasm induced weakness to take over my limbs and lay one on the unsuspecting Xion. 

He hadn't been happy being caught unawareness like that. And had made his unhappiness known as soon as he came to.

Lucky for me, I had already stopped laughing by then.

I strode out the door of the training room and made my way across the long winding deck towards Xion's chambers where the whole operation being led by Yi was being televised live from across the galaxies.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2015 ⏰

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