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Disclaimer: I do not own the Legend of Zelda or Whiskey Lullaby, the song that this is based off of/inspired by.


-Part One-

"You're going to skip your meeting at two o'clock and run off with Link for a bit, aren't you?" Impa stands in my doorway as I apply lipstick, gazing into my reflection on my dresser mirror. I'm startled by her sudden presence, causing my hand to shake and the pink tube of make-up smears onto my chin.

"W-What?" I turn around, wiping off the access lipstick onto my hand that is luckily glove-free at the moment. "No I'm not-"

She cuts me off. "You wouldn't be changing clothes mid-day or putting on anything on your face that would impress a man if you weren't. I was born at night but it wasn't last night, Princess Zelda."

I sigh at her mother-like intuition that has kept me in check over the years before I hear a clinking noise at my window. My pleading eyes meet piercing crimson ones from across the room after I glance back, knowing that my date has arrived and that it's up to her as to whether or not I can go with him. "I'm ahead on all the public project plans so if I miss it won't be too big of a deal."

"Where are your notes?"

I stumble upon my own feet to go to my dresser and grab the envelope that I put them in and hand them to her. She opens it and gazes at the contents with a careful eye. "I'll go to the meeting for you so everyone else can receive the information that you've prepared."

"Thank you Impa!" I hug her before turning to go to the balcony door where the clinking noise originated from.

"Wait." I turn to see her hand me my gloves and then she gestures towards the lipstick, reminding me of the last thing I had to do before I was completely ready to go. I finish prepping for the date and look at myself in the mirror from a distance, hoping that I look alright. Just then, another clinking noise comes from the balcony door. "Have fun." Impa bows and suddenly disappears. Then, I open the velvet curtains, letting natural light leak into my room. I open the door to step on the pebbles littered on my balcony beneath my feet.

"Sorry I took so long... Impa caught onto what I was going to do. She decided to cover for me." I call down to him as I shut the door and then use my feet to sweep the pebbles back to the courtyard below.

"Are you ready to go then?" He smiles as he gazes up to me.

"Yeah, I'll meet up with you at the front gate." I begin to turn towards the door again to make my speedy escape from my duties as Princess.

"Hold on," He says just as the door is flung open, the wind blowing it as close to the wall as the hinges will allow. "Jump down here, it'll be quicker."

"Y-you're insane!" I stutter as I look to the man below me clad in dirty farm hand clothing and a stupid grin that I hate to admit makes my heart melt at how adorable it is.

"No, but I suppose that there's a reason that it's within the first born daughter of the Royal Family's birthright to possess the Triforce of Wisdom." The mischievous look in his bright azure eyes fade and his grin lowers to a straight face. "I'll catch you." I swallow hard and for some reason I ignore every single fiber of my being that tells me that this is a stupid idea and approach the balcony railing. All I could really think to keep my mind off of the mind boggling height between me and the ground was the half-hearted joke that at least I wasn't wearing a dress right now or else this would really make me think twice about my decision to do as Link says. I stand on the railing and prepare to jump when yet another gust of wind comes by and utterly destroys the little balance I had. I snap my eyes shut as the wind flows through my braided hair as I fall for what seems to be forever... Until I take into account it's only mere seconds afterwords that Link fulfills his promise and catches me. I find comfort in his arms as I was saved from breaking a bone or two if he didn't act in time. "Are you alright?"

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