13-Not Too Shabby Yourself PeniPie

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  I slowly opened my eyes and yawned, trying to adjust to the darkness in the room. My eyes widened, I was not in my room. That woke me up. I stayed as still as possible, trying to take in my surroundings. Adam's house, I was in Adam's house... Adam's room to be exact. I gulped and sat up slowly, "Adam?" I whispered in the complete darkness, "Yeah?" I heard his voice coming from in front of me. "What am I still doing here? Why is it so dark?" I heard him stand up from where ever he was and move towards the door. The light flickered on, making me gasp and cover my eyes, "You fell asleep. I didn't want to wake you up." I allowed my eyes to adjust to the change of light, looking at him. He looked so disheveled and not-put-together. It was odd. He had been sleeping as well. But he wasn't laying on the bed with me, he had been laying down on the couch at the end of his bed. What a gentleman. I almost scoffed at my own thought.

"Oh God, what time is it?! Has my mom called?" I frantically searched for my phone that was laying on the nightstand next to the bed. "I took care of it. She texted you and I just told her you went to Melody's. It's all okay." I sighed and fell back into the bed, relieved that he had taken care of it for me but also worried that she would find out that he was lying. "Thank you. Now I need to get home. I can just tell mom that I got sick. I don't know, something." I groaned, jumping out of Adam's bed. I had to admit that it sort of freaked me out thinking about that... Being in Adam Clifton's bed. I started to imagine all of the girls he had brought up there for different reasons and a shiver went through my spine. "You don't have to go you know. It's fine with me, I was comfortable on the couch."I turned to fix the covers, not allowing myself to even think about staying there with him. "No, I couldn't do that. I'm intruding and your parents would sort of be suspicious don't you think?" I fluffed his pillow back up and turned towards the door to leave only to have Adam standing in my way. "My parents aren't coming home soon. I guarantee." What? He had just said that afternoon that we should go to his room because his parents would want the living room. I decided to let my thought go and continue to fight the urge to just lay down and go to sleep where I was.

"No, Adam. Thank you, but I should get home. You need some sleep too. I can walk." He shook his head and chuckled at me, "Now, if you even think for one second I'm going to let you walk, you're absolutely insane. Come on, I'll drive you." He slid his arm around my back and pushed me towards the door lightly, not allowing me to protest. "Thanks." I mumbled. My mind wondered to his arm drooped around me lightly. It felt nice, the warmth. I felt almost as if he were protecting me as we walked out of his house, my sneakers in his hand. The drive to my house was nice and quiet with an unknown band playing in the background. "You're not so bad, Clifton." I whispered, yawning as I rested my head on my hand and shut my eyes. I could almost feel the sly smile on his face as he answered me, "Not too shabby yourself, PeniPie." His reply made me grin.

"This is your stop." I almost jumped out of my seat as Adam's words jolted me awake. "Hmmm, okay. Good night." I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my shoes, forcing myself out of his warm car. "Sleep tight." He winked and I soon found myself lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling. Sleep soon consumed me once more, leaving me thinking about only one person, Adam Clifton.


My phone was buzzing uncontrollably. I groaned in annoyance and pushed myself away from the comfort of my own bed. It was a Saturday and I could swear that my body can sense Saturdays. It knew I wasn't supposed to be up and I was furious. "What?!" I shouted at the inanimate object that was my phone. I picked it up and stared at the screen.

Clifton 12:57 a.m

Can't sleep. I'm bored.

Clifton 12:59 a.m

Shit. You're asleep. Romeo and Juliet was incredibly boring you know?

Clifton 7:10 a.m

Okay, I'm awake. You should be too. Get up. Now.

Clifton 7:16 a.m

PENELOPE. WAKE. UP. I don't want to talk to Jonas or Dean about Romeo and Juliet. Peniiiiiiiiiii...

Clifton 7:30 a.m

I will freaking come to your house and wake you up myself. Answer your phone.

Clifton 7:42 a.m

That's it. I'm coming over. See you soon.

I almost burst into laughter at the text messages that had appeared on my phone. I ended up just sliding it to the left and calling his number. His voice bellowed from the other side:

"Thank God. I was beginning to think you were dead." I laughed, "No, not dead. Now what do you want?" I buried myself back into my blankets to cover the smile that was covering my face. "Well, good morning to you too. Look outside your window." I raised an eyebrow, "Why?" I sat up, hoping to God he wasn't there. "Just do it. Bye." He hung up immediately, not allowing me to answer. I sighed and got up, stopping by a mirror to check my appearance. I looked horrid, but I honestly didn't care. I only had on the tee shirt I was wearing the night before and knee socks with my hair in the ugliest ponytail I had ever seen. I peeked out of my curtains to see the one and only: Adam Clifton standing outside next to his fancy car with a brown paper bag and two coffee cups in his hands. He held them up proudly, for me to see and I rolled my eyes at him. I opened the window, "Romeo, oh Romeo, Where for art thou Romeo?" I smiled sleepily at him and rested my head on my hand on the window sill.

"I was going for more of a Rapunzel approach but since you only have a one story house, I guess that doesn't work as well." He shrugged and walked towards the window. I laughed, "Clifton, I'm not letting you in my house. I'm a mess, my sister's asleep, and my mom's not even home." She had been picking up some extra hours at the office to make a little extra money. He frowned at me, "Then you don't get any coffee... or a bagel." My eyes widened, "You got bagels? Chocolate chip?" He shut his eyes for half a second and nodded solemnly. "Okay, fine. Wait a second. Let me get on some pants?" He started to laugh as I turned and began to shut the window, "Why don't you have on pa-" The rest of his question was muffled out because I slammed the window and ran to my closet, grabbing some gym shorts and slipping them on. I tiptoed into the hallway and checked on my sister in her room who was sleeping soundly. I shut her door and slid to the front door opening it, and reaching to slap my hand against Adam's lips, "Shhh, Sarah." I whispered and he nodded, taking my hand away from his mouth.

"Don't you look lovely?" Adam whispered and walked into the house, staring me up and down. I glared at him, "I can kick you out you know?" I took the bagels from him and set them in the kitchen, him trailing behind me. I sat at the counter opening up the brown paper bag. "Oh, PeniPie. You're adorable when you get mad." I could feel heat rush up my neck and into my cheeks, but I simply ignored it and devoured my chocolate chip bagel along with the black coffee Adam brought me. "You are the best human being on the face of this Earth." I mumbled and took a gulp of my coffee, "Yeah, I know. Here, these are my notes on Romeo and Juliet.It was incredibly boring, not being able to make sarcastic comments about it to someone."He took a piece of folded up paper out of his pocket and threw it down on the table. My eyes widened, "You actually watched the whole thing... and took notes?!" Adam shooshed me, "Hush... Sarah." He was now more concerned about my sister than I was.

I was in utter shock. He watched the whole thing. By himself. "Why?" I asked,quietly this time. "Because you said I needed to. It's gonna help me get to know our project and what we're doing." My mouth was wide open, "Are you serious right now? You're Adam Clifton. You don't just watch Romeo and Juliet because Penelope Forbes told you to." he laughed at me, "You're talking in third person. You must be shocked. You only do that when you're either nervous or shocked." I nodded slowly. "Yeah, okay. So what did you learn?" I opened the paper, and forced myself back into reality as Adam started to explain in great detail the things that were different from the book.

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