Winter Song

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Winter Song - Sara Bareilles

Chloe knew they needed to talk.

She knew that they needed to sit down and really hash things out.

She also knew that doing so would open up the proverbial can of worms. She and Beca had been separated for nine months, across time dimensions no less; inadvertently cheated on each other; and almost been killed - they had a lot to discuss.

The longer they went with out talking about their situation, the more Chloe felt her anxiety level build up. She knew that they both just needed to grow up and face the music, but as long as they ignored it, then nothing was really wrong, right?

At least that had been her plan for the past two weeks. After the Bellas had left, she delved right back into her everyday routine, even offering to cover classes for the other dance teachers at her studio. She got up early - earlier that Beca, and when she came home the DJ was still at the studio; staying out until Chloe was asleep; or at least pretending to be asleep. Beca usually avoided going into the main studio unless she absolutely had to, preferring instead to work from her own private studio at home. Ever since she got back though, she had been going into the studio everyday and taking every DJ gig that was offered.

Chloe told herself that music was just Beca's coping mechanism, the same way that dancing had become hers. The first week it was easy to write off. They had both been through a lot and they needed their space. They needed time to adjust and recover. By the end of the second week though she was beginning to get worried.

They needed to talk.

The more they put it off, the worse it was going to be.

Besides, she missed her girlfriend.


Hell, she wasn't even sure what they were anymore.

They were something, there was too much history for them to be nothing. Although Chloe was well aware that if she didn't get her head out of her ass soon, they might very well be nothing.

That thought was scary and looming, but not quite close enough for her to be concerned enough to do something about it. Because even if they did sit down and talk about it, there was no guarantee that the outcome would be in favor of their relationship.

She wasn't just ignoring Beca either, she was also playing dodge the lunch date with Aubrey. The blonde had texted or called no less than a dozen times trying to set something up but Chloe had come up with an excuse every time. It's not that she didn't want to see her best friend, she just knew that Aubrey was going to ask questions. Questions that she really didn't feel like answering. Questions she wasn't even sure that she knew the answers to.

So instead she just avoided her.

Because that was the grown-up, mature thing to do.

Avoiding two of the biggest people in her life paired with all of the extra work that she was taking on was really starting to take a toll on her; so she was practically dragging as she made her way to her last private dance class of the day. She shouldered open the door to the studio, stifling a yawn, and froze.

She would recognize that perfect posture anywhere.

"Bree." She made her way to the front of the classroom to face the blonde."What are you doing here?"

"You, have been avoiding me." Her voice sounded like a smile with just the right hint of disappointment.

"I haven't been avoiding you."

"Really? Then how come the only way I get to see you is to set up a dance class?"

"I've just been really busy."

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