Chapter1 Rude shock

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Hey guys this is my first story ever on wattpad so please go easy.There may be spelling mistakes and grammical errors all through it as well. Well i will let you get on this the story, hope you all enjoy it!

Dont forget to leave comments on the story and any constructive critisism.

CHAPTER1 Rude shock

Jane's POV~

I can feel the concrete floor beneath my bare feet, the itchy rope that bound my hands in front of me and the death grip of one of my captors henchmen. ll I could see was the inside of a woolen sack, which had been hastily shoved over my head. Though I did not see the point, I already knew exactly where they were hauling me off. I had watched as countless girls were dragged out of their cages. They were boxes, sealed and fenced with chain link and steal. Heads bagged by wool sacks, rope tied around their hands and dressed in nothing but a singlet and pair of shorts, which were to small this was so it would revealed way too much.

I was not scared of what was about to happen, as soon as I walked through the doors. I had a vague idea as to what was going to happen, thanks to my wild imagination. Remember seeing only one out of the many girls is returned to her cage. She looked ghost white and returned in nothing more than her singlet and underwear, which had been reduced to rags. Yet she still tried to cover as much of her almost naked body as she could manage. Though it seemed that she was covered in something wet, it didn't look like water. The only other thing I remember about her is the handprints on her; they looked fresh as if they had been made not long ago. The ones on her hips and bottom looked like they were made by someone trying to hold onto her, the ones on her forearms and wrists had the same kind of look. That is when I realized what could/did happen to her, what is going to happen to me. I hear a metallic click and a hinge whine as if a door was being opened. My heart beings to race, I'm not ready to o through with this.

The man whose face I could remember pulled the sack off my head. The room had one bed which looked to be a four postered and a king size, in the middle of the room. Two of the rooms walls are full of shelves, with items I couldn't see meaning I couldn't name them. The other had 1 arm chair and coffee table, which was made of glass, plus a tv set in the corner. I could feel the sweat on my forehead ad palms. I hear the man behind me chuckle, though sure he had said something. The door swings open again, and a man in a pristine blue suit appears front of me.

"I was hoping this one was to be a little feistier than the others. You did get the one I asked for right?" caressing my face as he spoke.

I pulled away as he went to stroke my cheek with his thumb. He smile at this and stood up straight,

"Put her on the bed," he commanded, the grip on my arms tightened, and my feet were no longer connected to the ground.

Suddenly a wave of panic and fear rush over me and so I start kicking my legs out in all directions. I start cursing and screaming at them saying
"NO! NO! NO! Stop please no. Let me go right now! You little pieces of shit!" The man in the suit just laughs at me saying, "Now why would I let a prize like you go?" I look at him and stop screaming. "Prize like me? What! What do you mean a fucking prize like me!".

" You are the girl whose heart, body and soul belong to me of course. All the other girls were challenges. All helped me to find you". Before I could comment on what he had just said, as I was thrown on the bed.

They clasped a chain around my wrist and the around the right bedpost. To then untie the rope from around my hands. "What kind of prize am I meant to be? What am I going to be made to do? What is going to happen to all those other girls, now that you have what you want?" he stared at me, thinking of the best way to answer me. Minutes past and I became impatient. "Answer me you sick bastard! I want to know! Don't expect any sort of minimal co-operation from me unless I get answers right now!". " Are you sure, you want all the answers? Although I can't give them all to you, as I don't have all the answers."

" Just get some sort of answer please...I don't care if you hurt me, just let the other girls go you asshole!". " Oh they will be let go don't you worry." His smile worried me. "But as for what you will be doing for me is hard to say. All you need to know is that you won't be killed, oh and you will be treated well, if you behave for my men. Ok princess?" while saying this he had walked right up to me. Once he had finished speaking, e reached over and grabbed my chin.

Then tilted my face up towards his and roughly kissed me. To his surprise, I bit his lip, which drew blood. This made him laugh and step back. I smile and warned him "try that again, see what will happen this time. I... DARE... YOU!" he to my annoyance looked pleased. "I might just take that challenge and try it later. I'm running late for a meeting with your potential savior." He drew close, put his lips close to my ear, and said, "I'll be back later princess. Maybe then we can discuss some better arrangements." His voice was rough with a hint of seduction.

I pull away from him. "Piss off you prick! You will get nothing from me!" I scream and start throwing pillows at him, while kicking and fighting. He stands up and walks to the door but stops at one of his men, whispering something to him. The guard nods and walks out of the room. I stop screaming and fighting in time to see him get to the door. "WAIT!" I call to him and he turns to look at me. "What is your name? I deserve to know that much at most". He chuckles to himself, "Why would you care? I'm sure you could come up with some very creative names for me."

His answer made a smirk dance on my lips. "Oh I could trust me, but I want to know your name.", "Just call me whatever you want. Ok princess". Moreover, at that he walked out of the room. What am I doing? This person just kidnaped me, locked me in a room, and chained my wrist to a bed and all for what? Because I'm his 'prize', he has been looking for. I was talking to him as if he has done nothing wrong. What is wrong with me? I look around the room for a clock, but had no luck in finding in one. I might as well try to sleep while I can, even with the nightmares. Not much more I can do while stuck here. The last thing I see before I close my eyes and surrender to the night is the guards at the door, walking out and stand on the other side of the door.

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