chapter2 opening her eyes

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Jane's POV~

Did I brush my teeth last night? The first thing I think about as soon as I wake up. Then it all starts coming back to me ... the fire, the kidnapping, the man. This young, gorgeous man... wait what was I thinking! He burnt down me house, trying to burn me alive with it. Then not to mention kidnapping me afterwards. The door creaks and the deadbolt slides across.

"Morning sunshine, it's nice to see you awake." The stranger smiled at me.

"I've arranged for some clothes and sh-" he stopped suddenly and looked directly at me, as if he knew something about me that I didn't.

"What!" I demanded but all he did was stare at me. I was starting to get worried,

"I said what! As in what do you want with me?

"He sort of shook himself out of his, well trance.

"Oh what was I saying-" he mumbled to himself.

"Oh yes that's right, so we will get you some new clothes and then get you cleaned up so we can go for a walk. Seeing as I need to show you around." I stare at home in shock and disbeliefe.

What was he trying to do? Gain my trust? Give me false hope? Why did he try to hurt me and then now all of a sudden is try if to be nice to me?Then is hits me this is a different guy to the one from before. . . I was brought back to reality when I heard him say something to me.

" 'Who are you and tell me why im here.' That's what you asked before right? Well something like that anyway. . . Right?" He said smiling at me knowing he was right.

"Ok well, I'm mason. Mason James and you are here because I brought you here" He said with a smug look on his face.

"WHAT! I'm here because you brought me here?! WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!?!?".

At this I get off the bed and walk towards him, yelling at the top of my lungs. He just sat there, unfased be my getting off the bed and- Hold on, i got off the bed! What happened to the hand cuffs and the chain?. . . I look down at my ankles and wrists, there were no chains on them.

"what happened to the ch-"

"oh wait your going to ask what happened to the chains arent you?"

I was stunned at that. Why? How? How does he know what I'm going to ask before I saying? Why does he not react to what I do the way a kiddnapper should? I have been studying psycology since i was 15! 5 years and i passed every test, every assignment with flying colours. I don't understand. . . He gets up and closes the small gap between us, swiping his thumb across my cheek. I want to pull away, but i can't. I'm frozen.

"Do you remember the accident jane?" I blnk at him speechless.

"What?. . . What accedient?" I stutter.

"The crash Jane. . . Don't you remember? You should. You were 10 and going for a drive with your bestfriend and his parents- "

"NO!" I shout at him. " i was never in a car crash with my bestfriend! Which whom is a girl by the name of Jessie Ray!" I knew yelling at him wasnt going to get me anywhere.

I was now shaking my head, what was he talking about? I don't remember any crash.

" When did this crash happen and what hppened to me after it?" He looked at me anxiously.

" Well it happened on the 29th of august, 8 dys before your 10 birthday. You got hurt pretty bad and- " He stopped and looked at the floor.

"And what?! What is it!" i demanded

"And you were in a coma for a year. you woke up but didnt remember anything at all. About the crash or the, the years before it."he looked up at me with a smug sorta look on his face.

"If you dont believe me then try it. Try and remember your 7th birthday or the christmas before it." i shook my head in disbeliefe.
"NO! I don't believe you!" I shouted at him again

"Try it then, go on. Prove me wrong and I'll let you go and never contact you in anyway ever again."

He had a sly smirk on his face. I couldn't though. He was right, I can't remember any thng up until a couple f days before my 12th birthday. And he knew that too, hekne i couldn'tremember.

"Why are you doing this? Are you enjoying it? Do you get a kick out of tormenting young women?" I spat at him as if I were a cobra spitting venom at my prey.

"Do you find it amusing to make me sqirm or get angry?" He was smiling at me as if he were going to say yes.

"No" he said smiling.

hey guys sorry about it being so short, the next chapter should be longer. Don't forget:


Oh and dont be shy i would love to hear what you all honeslty think of it so far. :)<3

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