Hi guys! I know it has really been a long time, but I hope you guys still read this book.
Im editing all the parts because I really can't think of parts after if the story continues like the old version.
I really hope you guys like it.
Don't forget to vote and comment!Love you guys !!!!!!!
- Ashly
Mikhaila's POV
Everything about this day started out normal until a bitch came to ruin it.
It wasn't my fault that I accidentally bumped into her at lunch break causing her to slip on her own drinks.
Hello! It was absolutely an accident and I apologized so many times.
"What the heck?!" She exclaimed loudly as she looked at her stained uniform.
Slowly, she lifted her gaze until she met mine.
She gave me her icy glare that had me frozen on my spot.
I wasn't even scared, okay, I was a bit scared because I've seen what she and her friends can do at Self defense training. But other than that, I could care less.
Her friends helped her up.
"You." She scowled.
"Yeah." I said, mocking her. "Me."
Her gang, who was behind her glared at me.
I rolled my eyes and said, "Look, I'm really sorry but if you just analyze the situation, It was an accident. Or it was your fault."
A girl with black hair and intelligent gray eyes came forward and glared at me.
"Who do you think you are? You don't talk to her like that. Say your name, you peasant."I then noticed the girl to be Reyna Chase.
"If you really want to know my name. Then I will give it to you, your highnesses. My name is Mikhaila Peige."
The girl which I spilled orange juice, Allyasviel Antonette blah, blah, blah(Too long name), was one of the most popular people in school. Well, including her gang.
They were known to be the most bitchiest, meanest and toughest group of girls here in school. At least that's what other people said when I asked around about them after seeing what they did to the other new girl in the morning.
And I tell you people here have many things to say about them.
But hell, their bitchyness won't work on me.
Maybe to my twin, but not to me.
In front of me, they had their arms crossed and gave me their deadliest glares. To any other person, they look like lions ready to attack. To me, they're little cute penguins crossing their arms and giving glares while doing a complicated tap dance.
I laughed at the idea.
Allya raised her eyebow. "You, laugh?"
"Oh, no," I said sarcastically. "I'm crying."
She balled her fist, while I bit my lip to prevent myself from smiling.
Her face might be calm and composed but Im sure that I was definitely pissing her off.
She smirked at me. And eyed my cup that still has some contents in it.
Wait she was smirking ?
As the thought came to my head, she grabbed the cup from my hand and spilled the contents all over me .Then leaving me flabbergasted while bumping my shoulder and going the other way.

Fiksi RemajaAllyasviel Antonette De Zemia Einzbern Slade, bitchy, mean,and tough. Skylah Anjeanette Peige, innocent, gentle and girly. Mikhaila Angenelle Piege, smart, funny and boyish. Jared Anthony Anderson, supreme badboy, badass smart, and inexpicably HOT...