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~~ When I was younger

I saw my Daddy cried and cursed at the wind

He broke his own heart

And I watched as he tried to reassemble it....

And my Mama swear

That she would never let herself forget. ~~

First grade, the worst feeling I've felt in my life sinked in me when I saw how he begged her to stay but she refused just because she was already unhappy. He's a picture of weakness and she's selfishness. I watched him flooded himself with tears as I watched her left him, us. He tried but he never forgot her, but me... He forgot abut me. She left me, he forgot me.

~~ And that was the day that I promised


Later after being left and forgotten, I tried my best to understand them and still love them, but I grew forlorn. I felt unloved.

~~ But darling you are the only exception... ~~

Then I met him. He was annoying, arrogant, full of himself, loud, disgusting... Handsome, sweet, thoughtful and lovable. Did I just said what? Forget about it.

~~ Maybe I know somewhere deep in my soul

That love never lasts

And we've got to find other ways to make it alone

Keep a straight pace

And I've always lived like this

Keeping a comfortable distance

And up until now I have sworn to myself


When I decided to have at least a simple or normal life, away from him, from his absurd actions and away from my past, that's when I met that annoying creature. My smart mind tells me, that I should not trust someone odd to me but my I-don't-know-what-to-call-it mind tells me that I should just go with the flow and see what happens next. Though I'm still keeping my guard on, for I don't want to see myself in the same situation where I saw the two most important persons in my life.

~~ But darling you are the only exception... ~~

I don't know what, why, when and where but... He became my only exception.

I've always bore in mind that loving someone could hurt me but I just shrugged that thought away and I ended up loving him.

~~ I've got a tight grip on reality

But i can't let go of what's in fron of me here... ~~

I'm still aware of the reality that love hurts, but I don't care, he's mine, I'm his, we're happy, we're in love and that's all that matters.

~~ I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up

Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream... ~~

And yeah, he left me... And he's never coming back.

He said he loves me and this necklace would always remind me of his words.

But he promised me he'll never leave me, for he's the only one who knew me, my past, my feelings, he knew me better than I know myself.

How come I never thought that promises are predestined to be broken? Though he's never the one who broke it, it's fate who did. What hurts most is that even the heavens did not meant us to be together.

~~ You are the only exception... ~~

I once felt alone... But being alone again after he left is worse than worst.

"I can be your only exception..."

Unfortunately, I've had enough, I don't want to trust anyone's words anymore.

What will happen to the love of Optimus?

My Secret Bodyguard (The Love of Optimus)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon