One Direction Imagine- Concert

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The screams filled your ears. The shrills of many girls almost deafened you. “Let’s go in, (BFF/N)” You tried to talk loud enough so that your best friend could hear. “Good idea, (Y/N)” she yelled. When you walked into the arena, everything felt so unreal. The shouts and screams had gotten so loud, you could barely hear your best friend say, “Cover your ears!” You guys got into your designated seats in the front row.

     Finally, the reason why you were there came out of backstage. Girls chanted “One Direction! One Direction!” Others cheered. Zayn sarted talking, “I wanna give a massive thank you to all of our fans for coming today.” You had a crystal-clear view of them. They started to sing songs from their album. Behind you, people shriek and sang along. It felt like the perfect time to sing. So you did.

     At the end of the concert, your voice was hoarse but you were still very hyper. Harry flashed a wink to the audience. Many girls screamed. But you felt as if he was directing it to you. Everyone filed out of the arena.You and your best friend were last. “Where’s your dad,” she asked. You shrugged. He should’ve been here to pick you guys up by now.

     Someone grabbed your arm. You were about to slap your hand across that person’s face until you noticed who it was. “Oh my god! Liam!” your best friend yelled. “Do you need a ride home?” he asked. You and your BFF exchanged looks. “Actually, we do.”

     Liam took you guys to Louis’s van. Louis sat in the driver’s seat next to Harry. They were rambling about random stuff. They had some kind of bromance going on. Zayn sat behind Louis, staring out the window and into the distance. Beside him was Niall, eating a bucket of fried chicken. You quished into the van and you told Lou tour address.

     Along the way, you and the others chatted. To your surprise, Zayn was the chattiest. “You sing very well,” he said, making you flustered as you nibbled on the drumstick Niall gave you. “Thank you,” you mumbled. “It’s very true, love,” Louis looked back at you. You blushed even more.

     When you got to your house, Niall took out a piece of paper and pen. He scribbled something and handed it over to the other boys. Each of them wrote something. Finally, they gave it to you.

     You found yourself staring at the piece of paper for what felt like hours. They had all given you their numbers! You almost screamed but you remembered there were others in the vehicle. "Call us if you feel like it," Niall broke the silence.


That's all the ones that I wrote using my individual account. Hope you enjoyed them. Some others will be coming soon. 


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