Zayn Imagine- Forever And Always

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***Zayn's POV**

     I crumbled up my eighth draft. Why can't I write a proper love letter?! I never felt so nervous about writing one. Probably because tomorrow is Valentines and I don't have anyone. But also because the one I'm writing to is my ex-girlfriend!

     I don't know if it was mutual but I miss her a lot. I've tried contacting her by phone, email, Facebook, and Twitter. Now my only choice is this rose bouquet along with my love note.

To: (Y/N)

I loved the way you looked at me,

Your eyes so bright and blue.

I loved the way you kissed me, 

Your lips so soft and smooth.

I loved the way you made me so happy,

And the ways you showed you cared.

I loved the way you said, "I Love You,"

And the way you're always there.

I loved the way you touched me,

Always sending chills down my spine.

I loved that you were with me, 

And I wish that you were still mine. 


     This will have to do. It's much better than the others. I got dressed in a simple outfit and drove to her house. Someone was obviously home. All the lights were on. My finger hovered over the doorbell. Should I be doing this? I set the rose on the doorstep and hit the button.


 I ran to the end of the block and hid behind the corner. Waiting....

***Your POV***


     You got out of your bed. The only place you felt oblivious to the world. You have been in depression ever since you and Zayn broke up. It was over something so so small but it got turned into a HUGE mess. You still loved him very much. That's all you think about when you were in your safe bed. But you were in it 24/7. 

     This was probably the first time you got out of bed. Your best friend would usually come over and try to get some food in you, but it never works. However she was able to get cleaned in new clothes. You opened the front door. Nobody was there. 

     On the ground, you saw a flower. Hanging by one of the flower's stem was a piece of paper. You just remembered it was almost Valentines. You snatched it up and threw the flower back on the ground, keeping only the note. You didn't want anything that wasn't from Zayn. You went back into your house. 

***Zayn's POV***

      I guess this is it. She doesn't love me anymore. I walked to my car when... BANG. I turned back and saw (Y/N) picking up the flower and brushing some dirt off. Her face showed hope and tears. "ZAYN!" (Y/N) screamed as she searched for me frantically. "(Y/N)!" I yelled in response. She saw me and her eyes smiled. She ran toward me. I opened my arms and she leaped into them. 

    (Y/N) sobbed into my shoulders. "I-I missed you so much.......I-I lo-love you. I'll be yours again." I smiled. "Me, too," I whispered. I carried her into her house, bridal style, and laid her on her bed. I sat beside (Y/N) and ran my hand through her hair. "Why didn't you reply to any of my messages?" I asked. (Y/N) blushed. "My mom grounded me after I broke some vases when we broke up. No phone, computer, or television" I laughed.

"I love you. Forever and always." 

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