Meet the Suitor

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She was greeted by her nurse and caretaker, Imogen. Imogen was a kind, elderly, woman, who was constantly fussing over some thing or the other. Thickly built with long black hair streaked with grey that reached down to her hips, she was once called the most beautiful woman in the land. In Tooth's opinion, she still was, just in a different way.

Although she loved Imogen, Toothiana found the elderly woman's worrying slightly annoying. She sat down at her dresser, and Imogen quickly put her hair up into an elaborate bun.

Imogen dived into the closet and pulled out a long purple gown, with sleeves that billowed out, a low neckline, (too low, in her opinion) and a tight bodice. It didn't look very comfortable, so Tooth shook her head no. The next one Imogen pulled out was a lacy yellow dress that reached down to a bit below her knees. It was cute, but in a childish way, and

Tooth didn't want her mother to scold her again for not acting her age. She shrugged, "It will have to do if we can't find anything else."

She caught a flash of bright green near the back of her closet. Slowly pushing herself up out of her chair, she walked over to the closet and tugged the dress out. The dress that had caught her eye was just perfect. It was a silky layered green dress, with a multitude of colorful layers underneath the translucent green outer skirt. It would go perfectly with the necklace she was wearing.

Turning around, she showed the gown to Imogen. "Would this look good on me?" She asked, holding it against her body and twirling.

"Of course, dear. Here, let me help you into it," Imogen took the dress from her and unbuttoned the back. She passed it back to Tooth, and Tooth quickly slipped into it. The fabric felt heavenly against her skin.

She stroked the soft silk while Imogen picked out a pair of gold earrings and some gold bangles and gave them to her.

She felt her earlobe for her piercing, that she had just gotten 3 months ago. She remembered begging her mother to let her get her ears pierced, and after a while, her mother had finally relented. The next day, when she was getting pierced, she hadn't been expecting the pain when it came.

She had wanted to scream and cry, but since her mother was sitting right next to her, and she had begged for the chance to get her ears pierced, she had not wanted to give her mother another reason to scold her. So she had bit down on her lip until it bled, and afterwards she had had to go to the royal doctor.

Feeling them now, she found that they had healed up nicely after she had put on the ointment the doctor had given her.

Her past experiences with putting on earrings had been painful, to say the least. So, taking extreme caution, she gently pulled out her earrings and replaced them with the new ones.

She was pleased to find that it had only hurt a little.

When she was all dressed and ready to go, it was already well past 5, and she only had 10 minutes to get to the dining terrace, where she would be meeting with her new suitor. The dining terrace was located only a short walk away from the library, where she had been earlier that day, so she retraced her steps and turned right to find herself facing the door to the terrace. Taking a deep breath, she raised her chin, squared her shoulders, and pushed open the door.


He had waited for at least an hour in the room. There was no way to tell time in the gigantic room, which was mostly bare. It was twice as big as the music room he had been in before, but this room was emptier than the other. There were no instruments, no piano. There were paintings all along the painted red walls, each of them unique and beautiful, in each individual artist's style.

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