Not Real

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  • Dedicated to All those who have patiently waited for so long.

*Slowly crawls out of a large pile of homework and textbooks* I LIIIIVVVVVEEEEEE.

But seriously now. I am sosososososososo sorry for disappearing like that. And I know all of you guys probably don't even want to speak to me right now, so I'll just get on with the chapter (while slowly retreating into the background)

Disclaimer: I do not own RotG.

On with the chapter, and sorry for the wait, as always!


Tooth was out of his arms and flying down through the before he could even muster a relieved sigh. The maid looked alarmed, and Jack took it as his opportunity to escape before she started to wonder why the strange boy had been holding the Princess so intimately.

Slipping quietly out the window, Jack softly leaped onto the exposed balcony below him. He knew from studying the maps of the castle Bunny had given him that the room he was in now was very close to the medical ward, so he sneakily stepped out of the room, breaking into a light jog the farther he got from the room behind him.

He was approaching the Doctor's office when he heard hushed voices.

"How . . . fail me? You . . . given . . .sk, . . . expected . . . to complete. . .!"

"M-m-my . . . ap-pologies, Lor. . . ! Please, . . . m-my life!" The voices were muddled by a thick door. Suspicious, Jack slowly and quietly moved forward, staying on the balls of his feet to prevent any sounds that could have alerted the occupants of the room. Jack had to carefully press his ear to the dense wood to hear the whispered conversation.

As he hunkered down into a squatting position, resting on the balls of his feet, (the better to escape, if needed) he looked around carefully for an unseen entrance into the closed room. 'Would it be wise to find the balcony in the room next this one?' he thought, 'Or would I miss too much of the conversation if I left to find one?'

Jack hated making these difficult decisions. He never knew which choice would benefit him more, and he hated blindly choosing one over the other.

A loud thud, and the sound of a body hitting the floor. Jack quickly refocused his attention on listening to the conversation within the room.

"Now . . . won't . . . talk." Jack heard another man scramble forward, most likely worrying about his own fate.

". . . Princ. . . . will . . . and . . ."

No good. The voices were still too indistinct. He pressed his ear closer to the door, shifting uncomfortably in his awkward position.

"Bring her to me immediately. I want her alive, but do whatever you want to her to get her to obey."

Jack froze. Did I just hear what I think I just heard? The words were still hard to make out through the barrier blocking his view of the people inside the room.

"Yes, my lord." Then the door opened, forcing Jack to quickly duck behind the nearest tapestry to avoid detection. Now, though he was hidden, he couldn't see whoever had just come out of the room.

That won't do, he thought to himself, and so he risked a peak and saw last person in the entire kingdom he had expected to step out appear, stepping quickly out of the room. He was flanked by two stony-faced guards, who gave no indication of the fact that they had just heard their King send a man to kidnap his daughter.

His mind whirling, Jack sank to the floor carefully, rubbing his face with his hands.

What is going on?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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