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They stood there awkwardly, trying to find words to say. Jack had his hands behind his back, and was looking everywhere except at her. He tried not to look into her eyes; it would make him even more tongue-tied than he was now. Being wary, he took a tiny step back and leaned against the other wall.

She was trying her best to say something. Anything. Anything at all to make this awkward silence between them less awkward. She stared down at her toes. Tooth was wondering what Jack Frost could possibly want with her again. She brainstormed the benefits of saving her, and came up empty.

Lifting her head, she peered at him, trying to read his face. When she found that he was looking avoiding looking at her, she smiled inwardly. “Thank yo-

Her thanking him was cut off by the sound of a maid pushing a cart down the hall. Oh no. What will this look like, with Pitch passed out and me standing around with a servant? She panicked. Scanning the hall, she quickly selected a random door.

“Quick! Help me pull him inside, or we’ll get discovered and they’ll ask questions!” She whispered, as she jerked her head towards Pitch’ fallen figure. He gave her a nod of understanding, as the sound of the cart was gradually getting closer and closer.

Giving a grunt of effort, Tooth struggled to haul Pitch towards the door, helped by Jack. Her suitor had seemed like a tall person, and she couldn’t believe how heavy he was. Even with Jack helping her, she was panting with exertion when she finally closed the door to the room softly and slid down, relieved that they hadn’t been caught.

Placing her ear at the door, she listened for the sound of the cart rattling along the hallway, and let out a sigh of relief when she heard the sounds fading.

Now that they were out of immediate danger, she turned to look at the man who had saved her, surprised to find him sitting at the window of the room. He was staring outside, focused on something in the distance.

She surprised herself when she sat down beside him. Making a point by tapping his shoulder, he turned his body to face her.

She made a point of staring right into his eyes, finding them the most delightful icy-blue color.

“I haven’t gotten a chance to thank you for saving me yet,” she started. “So thank you.” Tooth remembered the ease in which Jack had knocked Pitch out. It was reminded her of how helpless she was back there.

She shivered at the memories.


Jack turned a light shade of pink as he was being thanked. He wasn’t usually thanked for his actions, just yelled at or congratulated. Being thanked was something entirely different. It gave him a warm feeling, one that started from his stomach and spread from the tips of his toes to his fingertips.

He could get used to this.

Rubbing his neck again, he replied, “No problem. I couldn’t just stand by and watch someone get hurt, you know what I mean?” Unbeknownst to him, with his constant neck-rubbing, his wig had started to slip even more, and more strands of his hair had started to show.

She was staring at him again.

He remembered the look of terror in her eyes as she was pressed against the wall by Pitch, and a wave a rage passed through him. His hands unconsciously clenched into fists at his sides.

Lacing his fingers together, he placed his elbows on his knees to hide his trembling. I’m not trembling because I’m scared, he told himself. I’m trembling because I’m mad at Pitch, and what he did to me.

Stealing a Princess (A Rise of the Guardians Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now