Rough *Michael Smut*

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You had Michael's whimpering groan from earlier stuck in your head, you'd been teasing and teasing trying to get him to break but all you got was couple of moans here and there. He, of course, couldn't just fuck you up against the wall like you really wanted since you were out in public with friends and some of his family. You just wanted to hear his moans again, so you teased him mercilessly. He was fully hard in front of the boys and you were just lucky they, somehow, didn't notice. Now you were almost home, silent and intense car journey was taking place and you decided to secure the fact that you'd be getting punished when you got home with a little more teasing.

"Baby...I need you to do something for me." You moaned from the backseat, you didn't want to sit in the front because you knew the temptation to jerk him off would be way too..well tempting. He'd probably end up crashing the car while he came if you did that so you sat in the back but ended up teasing anyway.

"What do you need me to do?" He asked, his voice was filled with annoyance, lust, anger, curiosity... You had him feeling some type of way. If it wasn't for the anger you could have gotten the idea that you were in charge but you knew the second the front door to your apartment closed all hell, dominance and all, would break loose.

"Keep your eyes on the road while I handle something, can you do that?"

"It depends on what you're gonna-holy...oh Jesus Christ." He groaned cutting himself off when he looked back at you through his mirror and saw you with your hand in your underwear and your legs slightly parted. The back windows were tinted so there was no chance of anyone besides Michael seeing you.

"Mm baby, I've needed you so bad today. I've been so wet for you, you want to see?" You smirked at him and felt yourself be pushed back against the seat as he picked up the speed he was driving at rapidly.

"Don't even dare, I'm not crashing this fucking car. You're gonna get it when we get home y/n. You're so fucking slutty for me aren't you? Huh?"

"Yeah daddy.." You moaned dramatically and threw your head back against the cool leather seats as you played with yourself faster at the thought of 'getting it' when you got home.

"We're home. Get your hand out of your pants and get out of the fucking car and inside. Now y/n." He demanded slamming the car door closed and storming towards the house. You'd never seen him this mad before, you were excited. You rushed to the front door tugging the front of your shirt down enough to show a little cleavage. Keeping up the teasing act and all...

You walked inside and before you could even step two feet inside a pair of hands were on your stomach and slamming you against the wall.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" He growled his hand traveling up your body and onto your neck wrapping around it, "Why do you always have to be so bad princess?" He growled his lips pressing aggressively against yours, his hands holding you exactly in place turned you on even more. "Fingers..." He growled, you knew what he wanted and obliged lifting up your hand. He took the tip of your pointer finger into his mouth and sucked, "I really don't think you could taste much better pet."


"Yes princess?" He groaned kissing you even harder than before.

"I think I need to be punished, don't you?" You whispered giving him and innocent look and tugging your lower lip into your mouth. He didn't even answer he just grabbed you and carried you up the stairs and held you up against the wall.

"I need you to stay quiet, no matter what I do, no fucking noises. Got it?"

"Yea." You whispered, you felt a hard smack on your ass and winced slightly holding in a moan at the feeling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2015 ⏰

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