Calum Smut *Play Day ;)*

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*this is smut straight from the start so ready xD*

"Get in here Kitten!" Calum called out from the living room while I was stood in the kitchen cooking some food for myself. I took a deep breath and walked out to him making sure to swing my hips side to side like I knew he liked it. It was our little play day/night and I knew exactly how he'd be behaving.

He was totally in charge of me, a complete dominant and that's exactly what I wanted from him. Something about the way he'd smack my ass, manhandle me, tug my hair, drag his teeth down along my skin drove me completely insane. I doubt it'd be the same with anyone else but I trusted Calum entirely and I knew he knew what my limits were and he'd never cross them.

"What do you need daddy?" I asked softly standing between his legs as his eyes scanned my body eyes widening at my attire. Under his request I was wearing a crop top with some major underboob action, a tiny skirt and some long socks. I had no idea why he thought it was so hot, I thought I looked weird but the way he looked at me gave me more confidence in the outfit.

"I've been thinking about you in there... Being such a bad little girl and teasing me all day with this outfit... I really just need you to do something for me." He groaned out palming himself over his thin shorts and biting down on his lip to hold back a groan.

"But Daddy-"

"No excuses. On your knees for me, kitten." The second the word kitten fell past his lips I dropped to my knees in front of him running my hands up and down his thighs while looking at him with the most innocent eyes I could manage. "At least you know how to follow orders huh, or maybe you're just such a little slut you can't wait for this c*ck." He smirked down at me grabbing his junk over his shorts, the outline of his hard on clear making my mouth water. I went to reach out for the waitband of his shorts, he raised his brow and shook his head no, I instantly retracted my hand back onto his knee. "You know you have to beg sweetheart."

"P-please daddy, let me make it up to you for being so bad. Let me make you feel good daddy. I know you want your baby girls pretty lips wrapped around that thick-"

"Vulgar language for such an 'innocent' kitten isn't it?" He sassed cutting me off, I felt my cheeks heat up at his words and that's exactly what he wanted. He shuffled to the edge of the seat so his length was closer to me and tucked his fingers into the waistband of his shorts tugging at them enough for me to get a glimpse of 'him'. "Do you want these off kitten?"

"Y-yes." I barely whispered, a smirk took over his serious expression as he lifted his hips up, I quickly grabbed his waistband and tugged it down his boxers coming off with them and allowing his length to hit up against his stomach. I bit down on my bottom lip as I took him in my hand slowly running it up and down a few times before collecting his precum on my thumb and bringing it to my lips. He nodded encouragingly and I swiped it across my tongue letting out a whimper at the taste.

"Taste good kitten?"

"So so good Daddy.." I moaned out pressing my hand flat against his stomach so he could lay back on the sofa and give me better access. "Can I taste some more?"

"I know little girls like you are so impatient when it comes to d*ck so yes... Do what you do best." He sassed reaching out for my hair and pulling me closer to him. I gently kissed from the bottom of his shaft up to the top and ran my tongue around his tip getting the same taste as before on the tip of my tongue. He tugged my hair back roughly and made me face up at him.

"Did I do something wrong daddy?"

"No teasing! Sluts like you don't get to tease. Now show me what that pretty mouth is best used for. Don't be shy." He smirked down at me darkly making the wetness between my legs grow even more.

I brought him back to my lips and sunk my head down as far as I could on his length, I started to bob my head up and down with the guidance of his hands either side of my head, all the time resisting the urge to gag on him. "Just like that kitten, ugh fuck you're so good at this." He groaned out, when I looked up at him his head was pressed tightly against the back of the sofa he was lying on making me smirk.

I hummed around him and dragged my tongue up along one of the veins at the base making his eyes shoot open and a loud gasp slip past his lips. I smirked to myself and continued to massage it with my tongue while still moving head up and down. My jaw slack but still aching a little, I wasn't paying attention to that though I was too busy taking care of daddy to care about anything else.

"Mmm fuck.. Baby girl I love your mouth so much, let me try something." He groaned out leaning up a little and holding my head still in his two large hands. He started to move his hips up slowly so he could push himself all the way down, I clenched my eyes shut and tried my best to hold back the tears brimming up in my eyes. I succeeded for the most part. He started to rock his hips towards my face and and back again so he was using my mouth exactly the way he needed it.

I reached a hand down in between my legs and started to relieve some of the tension there. He'd just gotten me so worked up being so rough with me. That's why this day/night was my favourite, it was all about Calum knowing exactly what I was into and how dirty I could be at times. Sometimes I got fed up with being innocent all the time and just wanted someone to treat me like I needed.

"Is it really turning you on that much baby girl?" He smirked down at me when I opened his eyes more but continued to thrust up into my mouth, his thrusts getting weaker and weaker letting me know he was getting closer by the second.

I couldn't exactly speak so I just hummed in agreement and nodded up at him my hands grabbing tighter on his knees as the tears brimmed up in my eyes again. His eyes rolled back into his head once again and he pulled me off him leaving me a little confused.

"Speak to me baby." He demanded taking my hand from my core and wrapping it around his length, him moaning at the feeling of the additional wetness on his length.

"You taste so good, oh my god daddy... I love when you fuck my face like that. Do you need to cum? Huh, daddy? Cum all over my little hand and let me clean it up...cmon I know you want to.." I cooed as I started to suck on his hipbone while running my hand up and down his length at a fast pace, I felt him start pulsing in my hand pulled away quickly so I could see him in all his glory, looking like a damn greek god.

"B-baby...kitten, fuck yeah...mmmh god you make daddy feel amazing." He gasped out before letting out a string of labored breaths trying to compose himself, he lost it quickly after and released all over my hand. His chest rising and falling frantically and one of his fists clenched at the side of him with the other still locked tight into my hair.

When he was finished he started to pant and managed to pry his eyes open to see me dragging my tongue along my hand cleaning up the mess he made. He bit his lip at the sight and grabbed me pulling me up into his lap and kissing me roughly his hands grabbing at my ass and smacking it occasionally.

"Is it my turn now daddy?"

"I don't know...have you learnt your lesson now?" He asked in a low voice, his mouth traveling to my neck and his teeth grazing against my sensitive spot followed by his tongue.

"I don't think I have daddy, I think I'm still bad."

*kinky enough or? XD

Any requests babies?

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Love y'all*

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