Chapter 2

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"Grandma, wake up and please tell me how you met each other again and all that stuff after the first time." She whispers. "Lilly it's like 7 am, go to bed." I say. "I'll go if you tell me something, it doesn't have to be long, just something." "Okay, we met each other again at their concert. Here you know something, go to sleep now." She walks away and I go back to sleep.
I wake up, Ben already is awake. "Good morning honey, did you sleep well?" he asks. "Yes I did, I had a dream." "What did you dream about?" "About us and our lovely family, going on a vacation together. We did lots of fun games together and we were young again." "That sounds great. Do you miss those times?" "Yeah sometimes, because now I can't do anything that I want to do with our children and grandchildren. And you, do you miss it?" "Just like you said we can't do everything that we want anymore, but yeah I sometimes miss the times when we were touring or the times we had lots of fun vacations." "Like the one where Tiffany, Chez, Jamie, you and me were on a snow vacation for the first time that was so much fun. Not everything went great but it is still one of my favourite vacations." "I know what you mean, I think the same about it." "I,-" The door slowly opens and little Nathan walks in. "Hello Nathan come here." I say. He walks up to us. "And what are you doing here my little man." "Mommy told me that breakfast is ready." "Oh yummi, let's go then." And when Ben said that, we walked downstairs together.

June 18, 2018

"Finally it's the day we've been waiting for, for like three years now. I can't wait to see them again. It has been so long but maybe they remember us. No they probably won't, but what if? Okay focus, you have to get yourself ready to go." I mumble to myself. "Lexie, are you ready to go?!" "No, but I'm on my way!" I quickly grab some stuff and my bag, before I run downstairs. "Come on, we're late." Tiffany says while she pushes me towards the front door. "What was taking you so long to get ready?" She asks. "I couldn't find my bag." "And you couldn't pick another bag, could you?" "I know you got nervous, but you don't have to be that bitchy." "I'm sorry Lex, I just can't stop thinking about them and more him. Like what if they remember us from three years ago. Don't you think about that?" "I know right. I've been thinking about that the whole day now." We take our bus and when we arrive at the place we have to be, we walk to the front doors. "No we missed the opening hurry!" "Tickets." A security guard asks. We show our tickets and he walks us to the place we have to be. "You two girls, wait here." He walks away and in five minutes he is back. "You can walk further now." We take a deep breath and walk in. The moment we walk in, Chez' and Ben's eyes open real wide. "Tiffany? Lexie? Is that you two?" Chez asks and Tiffany nods her head. "We missed you two girls, come here." He gives us a big hug, then Ben gives us a hug and Jamie does too. "What are you two girls doing here?" Before we can say something Chez already response to his self. "You're here for our concert of course, what a stupid question." We talk and talk and make pictures, but our time runs out. "Girls, you have to go to the concert-room. LoudKidz has to be on stage in ten minutes." One of the guards tells us. "Awh already, it's so nice to talk to you girls after three years." Ben says. "We think the same about that." Tif says. "Maybe we can meet after the show, like three years ago?" Chez suggests. "Yeah that's a great idea." I say. "Where do we meet after the show? It's important that not everybody knows the place, because of all the fangirls." Ben says. "Maybe the little wall on the parking lot, from three years ago. I don't know why fangirls would go there." Tiffany says. Chez respond, "That's a great place." We say our goodbyes and we get some stuff from the meet and greet. Then we walk into the concert-room and wait for them to come up.

"The concert was great, let's go to the parking lot." I say. So we did go there, but after an hour they still weren't there. "Maybe they forgot?" Tiffany says. "No, it can't be. I just.. I don't want to think about that. Let's just wait a little longer." "Okay, but it can be the case. Don't get your hope up Lex." We waited a bit longer but they still didn't show up. "Lexie, we have to go. I know you're disappointed, I'm too but we have to go." "Yeah okay, it was too good to be true anyway." We walk away before we hear our names being called out, "Tiffany! Lexie! Wait!" We turn around and see Ben running towards us. "Sorry, that we didn't show up earlier but we had some fans following us. And we had to wait for our guards to help us. We are so sorry. I'm so sorry." "It's okay, we understand. I'm happy you made it." I say. "Shall we go drink something somewhere?" He asks. "Sounds great." I respond. Tiffany, Ben and I walk to Jamie and Chez. Then we walk to a pub.

When we got our drinks Chez starts talking and it looks like he's going to ask something. "It's so cool you two girls came to our concert and wanted to meet again. We're going to make an new music video and we were thinking, maybe you want to be in it? Only if you want, we thought it could be fun. The plan was that you can come with us on tour and then during the day we will shoot the video, at night a concert and then back to our hotel or tour bus." "What I can't believe you're asking us something like that, of course we want to be in it! Right Lexie?" "I don't know what to say, I mean, yes I want to be in it but on the other hand no I don't want it." "What do you mean no? Lexie c'mon." "Sorry, guys but I planned so much." I look at Ben and his smile disappeared. "It's not like I don't want to, I really do but I've been dreaming about this college for three years now and next week I'm finally starting. I don't want to give up my dreams." "But Lexie, it's not forever maybe a few weeks then you can go to the college you want to study at." "I don't know if that's possible. Tiffany you wanted to travel so this is a great opportunity for you, but these are not my plans." "And if we can arrange something with your school, so you can come with us and do the things you have planned. Do you want to come?" "Yeah, of course!" "Okay if you give me your schools number, we'll arrange it. We've already planned the music video and you two are the perfect match with what we imagined."

We talked for a long time after that and made some plans. Tomorrow while I'm home, Tiffany goes with the boys. She is going to pack her stuff and later that evening she will leave to go on tour with them and of course shoot the video. If it's possible to go on tour and study at the same time, I'll fly over to go on tour with them as well. If not I'll stay at home and start my study just as I had planned. "Because you missed the last bus you could take to meet with us, we'll drive you home, just like three years ago."

"Get in, take a seat. This is where you're going to be a lot Tiffany." Chez says, and they start talking, Ben start talking to me. "Don't worry, I will be the person to call you up and tell you that everything is arranged." "It doesn't matter if you won't be able to, the fact you remember me is everything I've wanted for the past three years." "Maybe it doesn't matter to you, but it does matter to me." That's so sweet. "Can I have your number? In case I want to call you sometime." "Of course, can I have yours to? In case you call me, it's nice if I can see it's you." We exchange numbers and talk some more.

"This is it, our goodbye." "Not for long I promise, you just have to trust me." Ben says. We say our goodbyes again and I give him a last hug and whisper, "I trust you." He smiles.

"See you tomorrow, sleep well." Chez says to Tif. We wave them goodbye and they drive away. "I'm going to miss you Tif." "Yeah I'm going to miss you too Lex, but before you know it we will be back together." "I hope so." We say goodbye and give each other a big hug. "Please call me when you can okay?" "I will, you too?" "Yes of course, this is it for now. I really have to go." I grab my bike and go home, which is only a few blocks away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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