Tickish Much?

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You sigh in exhaustion, rubbing your eyes as you trudge to Kai's room—most likely the origin of the panicked screeches that had woken you up. "Kai... Why are you yowling, you little bastard..." You pause in between sentences to let out some of the biggest yawns of your life, opening the door. 

Dumb cat, waking me up at this ungodly hour... Oh boy... You thought as you took in the sight before you. 

Kai, laying on the ground,  had become tangled up in his sheets, staring up at you with helplessly round blue eyes. 

Ah, well. 

Good thing you forced him into some of your older brother's clothes, or you'd have to help a painfully naked boy out of his makeshift trap. 

"Help." He whines, thrashing around until you kneel beside him and steady him with a gentle touch to his shoulder. 

"Hey, how the hell did this happen?!" You grumbled, lifting his arm and ripping it away from the bedsheets. 

Kai takes the opportunity to pull you into a hug. 

"Oh boy... Kai. You weren't actually trapped, were you?" A sigh escapes your mouth, turning into a squeal when he buries his face into your neck and starts purring loudly. "K-Kai! What the h-hell?" You wriggle in his grip, trying to escape from him. 

Kai purrs and tightens his embrace. "Is (Y/N) ticklish?" He coos, his hands roaming down your sides and digging into your very ticklish ribs. 

"NO!" You shriek in laughter, squirming even more intensely. "S-STOP!"

Kai laughs and digs his fingers in deeper, a shit-eating grin plastered onto his face. 

"G-grahhhh, KAI!" You growl playfully and flip the position, kicking free of his strong grip. 

Kai looks up at you, amused. "So (Y/N) is ticklish, huh?" 

"Sh-shut up." You stammer, rubbing the goosebumps that had popped up on your forearms.
"Are you?" You shot back, and Kai's smile fades, turning unexpectedly serious. 

"Does it matter?" 

"Yes... It does?" You furrow your brow, confused. "Why did you suddenly become serious, dumbass?" Any amusement lingering in your expression disappears until his face breaks out into a smile once more. 

"Never mind that," He laughs, though you sense somehow that the laughter was strained. 

"Mmm... Alright. How about we get something to eat?" You suggest, shaking off the strange reaction with little more than a snort.

"Sounds like a plan!"

Yeah... Sucked as usual! And fairly shorter than usual... But this shall be continued, little reader-chans!
~ Imagination

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