Silly ( Neko ) Boy

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(F/F) = Favorite flavor

You and Kai trot down the stairs, and unknown to you, Kai's sleek cat tail had become loose and was now waving around behind him.
"So where are we going?"
He asked once you'd pushed past the glass doors out of the apartment complex.
"There's this cafe I always go to when I need my quiet time. It's called Cløckwørk Express."
You responded, smiling at the thought of being surrounded by the rich smell of coffee and the quiet murmur of the employees and customers talking amongst themselves.
"Oh. Sounds nice."
Kai nods politely towards a couple of girls walking down the sidewalk on the other side of the street.
A red-head boy in their midst stared at Kai —at his butt, it seemed to you, so naturally — You scowled protectively.
Kai grinned with sharp teeth and twirled his tail for the boy, making him blink.
What the hell? The red-head seemed to think, turning away awkwardly.
You turned to Kai, making small talk as you padded down the cement towards Cløckwørk Express. As you opened the door, the delicious smell of baking goods wafted out and Kai's nostrils flared in amazement.
"Wow! It smells amazing in here!"
He exclaimed, his blue eyes brightening.
Your stomach rumbled in reply and you blushed, avoiding eye contact with Kai.
"Y-yeah, it does."
"Ooh, someone's hungry."
Kai teased, poking your shoulder with a sharp nail gently.
"Shut up! Y-you're probably hungry too!"
You shot back, and Kai's tail twitched, bringing your attention to the "little" thing the red-head was staring at was his tail.
"Oh! K-Kai, your tail!"
"Oh, shit!"
Kai rushed to shove his tail back into his pants, mocking a surprised gasp.
You snorted, rolling your eyes and walking towards the cashier's.
Kai trailed behind you, smirking as you ordered a (F/F) slice of cake and a hot chocolate.
You glanced back at Kai and hesitantly ordered a lemonade and a blueberry scone.
To you, he somewhat looked like someone who would like fruit-tasting food.
He beamed back at you, and if he had whiskers and a tail, trust me, they would be twitching and wagging.
You choked back a giggle at the image of Kai running around, tail waving around and whiskers quivering.
You gave the employee the money and pulled Kai to a table, your napkins in hand in case Kai didn't have manners and needed to have napkins shoved into his mouth... Or something.

***A Few Minutes Later***
( Did anyone else imagine that in the SpongeBob narrator voice? Or was that just me... )

You collected your orders and passed Kai his lemonade and scone nervously, wondering if you got his taste right.
He took the food and narrowed his eyes suspiciously at it. "Erm... What's this?"
"Oh. Well, that — er — bread thingy is called a scone. The blue stuff on it is mushed blueberries, I think. The pale yellow liquid that smells sweet is called lemonade and it's made of lemons." You replied, resisting the temptation of laughing at his clueless expression.
Kai sniffed the scone and the lemonade in turn. "Huh... Smells really good!" He says brightly, taking a small bite of the scone only to lick his lips after swallowing it.
"Hm." You took a sip of your hot clocolate, waiting for his verdict.
After a few seconds, Kai wasted no time shoving the rest of the pastry into his sharp-toothed mouth, chewing it with relish.
You smiled in relief and after he finishes the scone, he takes a wary sip of the lemonade. Kai's pupils seemed to dilate and he chugs down the juice quickly.
"Oh, Kai don't do that, you're going to-" You begin to warn him but he looks back at you, confused.
"Wh- hic!" He hiccups, his shoulders jerking upwards with the sudden exhale. "What i-hic-s happening t-hic-o me?"
Kai slaps his clawed hand over his mouth, a puzzled look in his indigo eyes. He gives you a look, asking 'what the hell is this???'
And you burst out laughing, drawing the attention of the other few people that were seated in nearby tables.

Okay... So thank you everyone for voting for this story! There might not be very many views or votes or stuff like that compared to other stories, but this means a lot to me guys, thank you so much!
~ Imagination

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