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It seemed Martha had cooked me up a feast and sent it to the medical clinic for me to eat.  She has given me a big portion of lasagna, with salad, a couple slices of garlic bread and for afterwards a few chocolate cannoli.  I was glad that Abby stayed and helped me finish the mass of food that I am guessing Martha wants me to finish.

"Damn, I should get pregnant so Martha can cook me food as good as this." Abby states, before tilting her head to the side and taking a bite out of the cannoli. I give her a dry look, which was hard because the chocolate cream filling smeared on her chin.

A little annoyed by her statement I reply."  You know, I don't need someone to baby sit me, you are free to leave."

Abby just shakes her head with a cheeky smile." No, I'm right sitting here... its quite comfy."

I sigh heavily, changing the topic." What did Dr. Norton say about being understaffed?"

Abby's playful attitude dies down when I mention this." Well there is normally three doctors here but my sister is occupied at S.E.R.O."

I feel a slight stab of guilt at bringing that up, it would not be easy having her work there, undercover at a place like S.E.R.O. Although I guess I know what its like to have a sibling mixed up with them.

"Who's the other doctor?" I ask, not having met another medical staff member since I have been here.

"Dr. Fickle, but she is a physiologist and doesn't really work in the medical clinic." Abby explains." She helps people that have been through hard times... like most of us that joined this pack."

I was surprised at first that a pack would have its own physiologist, but for this specific pack it makes sense. It seems all the people I have met here so far have experience some trauma in their life. Annie's husband Shawn, with his one eye, which I was told the other was taken by S.E.R.O. Or Vera the third in command that was abducted by them. Dom having his tongue cut out and never to speak again. The list can go on and on.

Abby gets up from her seat beside my bed. She leans over and retrieves the tray of food that we have managed to devour." I will just return this to the kitchens. Be back to baby-sit you shortly."

I give her an un-amused face, which she smiles at before leaving through a small gap in the curtains.

I stay there in silence, my eyes having nothing but dull blue curtains to look at. I wonder my gaze to the chair Abby was sitting in moments ago to see it not empty; a mobile phone lies there.

Staring at it makes me wonder what happened to my phone. I must have left it in my trashy hotel room I was staying at in New York. It was a burner phone and I only used it once or twice a week to call my step-mother... who I haven't talked to in two months.

I am already stretching across from my bed to grab the phone. My fingers are dialing the number. It's ringing...ringing...ringing..." Hello, Its Vicky."

Her voice soothes me just by hearing it but the words about to come from my mouth get lodged in my throat. What do I say? Panic stops me.

"Hello... hello..." she says down the phone and I hang up.

What was I supposed to say? 'Hey Ma, sorry I haven't called in a couple months but Jordon, your son has been captured by S.E.R.O an association doing experiments on the supernatural. I had a one night stand and got pregnant before being captured by S.E.R.O myself and was rescued by a pack and was reacquainted with the one night stand man, who is the father of the baby, How are you?'

I chuckle sadly at the look of horror that would have been planted on her face. No matter how much I would love her support, its safer she doesn't know where I am. If S.E.R.O got a hold of her I would never forgive myself. But I do miss her...


Exhaustion court up to me as I find myself waking up in the dim lighted curtained off area.  Laying on my side, facing the right I see a figure sitting on the chair, their knees in my direct view. My eyes travel up to see Grant's face staring away in the distance, deep in thought.

" Hey." I croak, my voice grouchy from sleep. Grants eyes snap to me as I adjust myself, trying to pull the sheets around my body." What time is it?"

Grant pulls his phone from his pocket, the screen lights up his face, which allows me to see the bags under his eyes." Its nearly midnight."

I nod, silence follows as I find my eyes blinking shut again but Grant speaks up.

"Who did you call?" He questions, his voice plain and yet curious.

In my drowsy state I find myself questioning him." What?" I yawn.

"Abby checked her phone to find that she had some how called a number she had never seen before." Grant explains and I realize what he means now.

There is no point denying it." My mom."

Grant goes quiet for a few more seconds." It was a very short phone call."

My eyes are shut, sleep surrounds me as I find myself talking, subconsciously." I hung up, I didn't know what to say to her."

"That's understandable" I hear Grant whisper.

"What about you?" I question, snuggling into my pillow as another yawn escapes me.

"What about me?" Grant sighs.

"Your mom... your family, where are they?"

I am met with silence, and sleep erases my awareness of a situation and from what Grant says... it makes me insensitive.

" They're dead." No emotion was even used in that short clipped sentence.

But my brain does not register the pain and heartfelt I should feel for those words, I keep the dreaded conversation going." How did they die?"

Another long pause before a flat answer." They were killed."

I don't say anything else, I find myself surrendering to my tiered body. I go to move my hand to adjust my sheets again but wince when it tugs on the drip attached to the back of my hand.

"I'll help." Grant whispers and I feel the sheets sliding up my body and his hand brushes mine. On instinct I hold on to it. The warmness makes me clasp on a little tighter as well from the comfort it provides.

"I'm sorry, Grant." I murmur, fearing my words are coming out slurred." I'm sorry about you family."

Thinking that Grant will slip his hand out of mine I loosen my hold but only fine his hand tighten around mine. And with that reassuring hold, I fall asleep.


I hope you liked this moment between Grant and Brooke.

Any ideas what happened to Grants parents?

Please Vote and Comment, it means so much.

Hope to update soon!

Love U

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