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The rest of the car journey home was absolute silence. After Geoff had told us about S.E.R.O growing numbers no one dared say anything. I don't think any one could comprehend what will happen if S.E.R.O got near us.

But when we finally arrived home at dark, everyone got of the car automatically. Ready to head up to Grants place tonight and have a hot shower I was rather annoyed when Geoff pulled me aside.

" I need to talk to you for a second... alone." He says quietly.

I can see from the corner of my eye Grant watching us." Geoff, what ever you have to say to me can be said-"

"Its about your brother." He whispers, and my heart does a painful leap as I look at him. I hope that the whisper was quiet enough that the werewolves surrounding us couldn't hear.

I slowly nod." Just give me minute." I say before walking over to Grant. I can see he knows something's off when I come to stand in front of him." I just need to talk to him for a few minutes... by myself."

" I don't trust him." Grant states honestly.

" I do. We will just talk by the car I won't be that far away." I explain, but sigh when Grant still doesn't seem convinced. Before he can protest I reach into his jacket pocket and haul out the gun I had taken from Geoff. I hold it up to him" Does this give you more reassurance."

Grant rolls his eyes." Fine." He then leans down to whisper in my ear." Don't take to long, I would like to save some water by sharing a shower with you tonight."

I chuckle at this." I promise not to be too long then." I smile before giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking back over to Geoff.

Geoff looks to the gun." Really Brooke?"

"It's for Grant's comfort, not mine." I remark. We wait until everyone is in the pack house before I turn to Geoff, my heart pounding." What do you know about my brother?"

"I was hoping you could answer that." He says and I give him a confused look." Your mother didn't just hire me to find you."

Of course she wouldn't, I think in my head." Have you found anything about where he is?" I ask.

When Geoff shakes his head, my heart sinks." No, I was hoping you could tell me where he is... you can tell me, cant you?"

I sigh, my fists clenching." S.E.R.O."

"What?!" He says, shaking his head." I don't understand if he's there- is there a reason you went all weird when I talked about you brother."

I feel that all to familiar bubble appear, reading to pop and spill out everything." I told you its way more complicated then it seems."

Geoff softens towards me, he puts a hand on my shoulder." Then uncomplicated it Brooke, what ever is eating you up alive its best to get it out."

The bubble pops. The whole story comes spilling out of me. I barley have time to take a breathe from the relief its giving me for someone else to know. Even though it's so horrible.

And when I am done. Geoff stands there, looking god-smacked by the events that have caused me to be here today.

"And you haven't told them this... Grant this." Geoff verifies and I shamefully shake my head. " Brooke..."

"I know! I should have said something... but with Jordan's involvement as well as this pack's I don't know who to blame for him getting caught up in S.E.R.O"

"But that's not the reason you haven't told them Brooke." He says knowingly." You afraid of what they are going to think...especially Grant."

I sigh a shaky breath; he hit the nail right on the head. Not knowing the true story was just an excuse, I was afraid of being rejected. Just like I had been my whole life at me old pack in California. That's why I kept it hidden.

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