8: The Stars Magic

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_-_-_-_Authors note-_-_-_-_
Hey sorry updates have been slow but lately it's been hard to keep in contact with Tomatsu so I just decided to post anyway. Tell me what you think!
I'm so dumb. I am sobbing in the middle of a meadow. I'm embarrassing myself in front of the Brotherhood of the Tofu. My heroes of The Land of Twelve are reality and I'm sobbing.
As I am nearly on the verge of blushing from embarrassment, I see a girl around the same age as me and Yugo, standing in front of me. I probably look so stupid. I wipe a lingering tear as well as a streak lining my face as we continue to just.... Stare at each other. Suddenly I'm pulled into a hug. I was confused but somewhat... relived that someone took interest in my feelings. I hugged her back. It felt good. I liked it. A lot... (A/n: No not that way you dirty dirty weirdo who talks to your phone.) It comforted me. Before we could finish the comforts of a hug, SOMEONE ruined it.

"Bah! Girls these days are so soft! No wonder thieves can rob them so easil-OW!" I didn't even have to see when I knew that Eva hit Ruel. "Your the only Theif around here you mangy old coot!" Amalia shouted. "I couldn't agree more." I replied.

"So You two, just get started telling us about how all this happened, you know with this meteor and all that" said Percedal. "W– W well... What I remember is wishing on a star in the middle of the night and going to sleep. Then I wake up here in the middle of nowhere!" I shouted. "Relax there... Um... What's your name.. Heh heh.." Adamai said trying to calm me."How can I be calm?!? I'm confused.... And scared." I said worried. I'm in some dream right? It has to! I'll wake up and I'll see Sage and Griffon trying to bother me in bed. I pinched myself.  Eep! This was no dream. I was actually with the brotherhood. I.... Just what?!?
"Um Ember....." I heard a voice. It was Amalia. When I returned to reality. I saw myself about 1 or 2 feet of the ground. I blacked out afterwards. What happened?
Tomatsu Pov:
Ok. What's happening? I'm now staring at the body of this girl I randomly hugged and she's limp. Anyways... As I just continued to stare at her. Evangelene spoke up " we should probably take her somewhere... Well, safe."."I agree." Amalia said. Before I knew it around 12 little plant kids were carrying this unnamed girl to that place they must've came from.

Once we arrived we came upon this fairy looking person. She was named Nina and was a "Eniripsa". Nina said the girl would be fine.Later Yugo told me her name was Ember. When she woke up we went to something called a Xelor to learn about how in the world we got here!
3rd person Pov
----------------------------------------------------As the search for answers continued, the   Adventurers ventured on deep into sadidan Forrest. Along the way try came upon a small settlement filled with many people. Mostly native saddidans, some Cra, Iop and even a few Xelors. There was only one shop like a place to stay, so they entered. From the shadows an old Xelor creaked out. " Why hello youngins. Welcome to Shambles clock work and library." His voice quivered with age." How can I be of service today ?".
Ruel started yapping right away "Well my good man we have come in search of information on a meteor passing around 2 days ago. One thing. Will this cost me?"." Oh not at all! I almost never get visitors. This makes me so happy!" It was hard to see his smile under the metal but his eyes showed all the joy he felt. He was beaming. "Meteor? I know there was a meteor but I don't remember that as well as the twin stars of Wistlung. They passed at the same time. Only passing once every three years." ." Wistlung? This sounds awfully fake to me." Eva said rolling her eyes." But familiar to me..." Dally responded." Tell me more.". The old Xelor had walked off. Later returning with a book looking as old as him. " This is a book all about the stars and what kind of life and wakfu lies in it. Names Shambles by the way. And you are ?" He knelt down on one knee looking at the 4 ladies. Eva and Ember were on the same page and shot Shambles a look. He seemed to back off. " Well, back to the task at hand." He flipped a couple pages and found the information. " The Twin Stars of Wistlung, these two stars hold the wakfu of Wistlung. The -"." Who is Wistlung?" Dally asked. Shambles didn't look to fine with that comment." IM.... I'm-Im getting to it.... Wistlung was the guardian of the stars. He was not immortal so he died. But before his death he gave all his wakfu to his two favorite stars. Starbi and Starbella."."They had names?" Ember asked, sounding unimpressed. " Yes. They had names. Wistlung was a weird fellow. But also these stars were special. They were wishing stars. And they were alive. Wistlung transferred his wakfu to these twin stars and they became the guardians of wishes." Tomatsu started thinking. So they passed 2 days ago and I got here 2 days ago. I must've wished on the twin stars of Wistlung. But why was I taken here..... Is this where I belong? Ember explained her side of the story then Tomatsu. Shambles didn't look like he was following. Ruel explained it in old people talk, and Xelor was wide eyed. "You wished on the Twin stars?!?!?"."Seems like it to me." Yugo said. " Is that a bad thing?". "The wishes made in that star always come true you Iop brains!!!"."Hey!" Dally shouted." How dare you insult me! I outta-" The ground stops Dally in his tracks." What was that?" Adamai asked. The ground shook again. The hut of a house wasn't holding up. "Come on let's get out of here! This place is caving in!!!" Ember yelled , grabbing Shambles the Xelor and speeding out. Everyone got out safely and in the nick of time. Right after the roof of the house caved in  trapping everything inside.
Embers Pov
What happened .... The ground is shaking and I saved a man! "Those are some real leadership instincts." Yugo said, smiling. "We aren't out of the woods yet guys." I said. As I looked into the distance I saw a bright blue force field like head stomping through the forest. I couldn't make out too much. All I knew was it wasn't in any way a good thing.

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