First Day

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Hannah gasped as she saw her new school's entrance. Sunshine Middle School was even better than it sounded. She looked at her reflection in the glistening gold gates. "Ready!" She whispered to herself, as she walked inside the school. The floors were shimmering, the teachers' faces shone, and there was a big banner saying: WELCOME STUDENTS OF SUNSHINE MIDDLE SCHOOL! Hannah couldn't wait to meet her new friends and teachers, see the rooms, and learn everything! She was so excited she flew down the hallway looking for her first class. She walked inside the room to see smiling faces, shining desks and a grinning math teacher ready to start the day. She soon met her new math teacher, Miss Wendy. She started off with all the "Class Expectations" and stuff like that, but she also found out some things about her new teacher. First of all, she played flying soccer, which was Hannah's favorite game, she used to teach art, which was Hannah's favorite subject, and loved kittens, which were Hannah's favorite animals. She new she was going to like her new teacher, and she thought her teacher would like her too. The room was also beautiful. The crystal floors were like mirrors, the desks looked like something a princess would eat off of, and the walls had little diamonds in them. "I hope every class is like this" Hannah thought. After math came art, her favorite subject. The art teacher Mr.Dactyl, made everyone laugh. Everything about him was funny, from his name, to his mustache to his weird bow tie to his voice. He told some jokes, then told the class about the first art project. They would be painting sunsets reflecting off a lake. When he showed his example, everyone clapped. It was amazing! Hannah wished she could do that good. She probably could if she tried hard. She worked on her painting and put it on the drying rack at the end of class. It looked pretty good, but not as good as Mr.Dactyl's. After art came recess. Time to meet her new friends! The playground looked like heaven! (Probably because it was!) she couldn't wait to try the shining swings, monkey bars, slide and much more playground equipment! But she had to meet her friends first. She saw a group of girls that were in her classes. She flew over to see them.They seemed a little sad. "Hey, guys I'm Hannah is something wrong? She asked. "Yeah. There's a bunch of bullies and they hurt Angela." A blonde hair girl said. "My name's Bella." "I'm Angela." Another girl said "And I'm Tina." A brown haired girl muttered. "Nice to meet you! Are you all new here?" Hannah asked. All the girls said yes. "Where is this bully?" Hannah questioned Angela. She pointed toward a group of trees where three boys were, holding slingshots and rocks. "We should do something" Hannah said. "Should we tell Miss Flutter?"(the principal) "No." Bella added "They'll just pick on us more and call us crybabies." There was a long silence while they thought. "We should probably just ignore them for now." Hannah said. They all agreed and fluttered off to try out the new playground equipment. After recess, Hannah had language arts with Miss Ling. Hannah hated language arts and she HATED Miss Ling. She wasn't nice or funny like the other teachers, she was just any old teacher, teaching any old subject. Hannah couldn't wait for it to be over. After that she had lunch. She had, mashed potato clouds, fruit butterflies, and a big candy cane. She also took a little salad to keep healthy. She sat with her new friends talking about themselves and the bullies. They didn't think of anything but they did get to know each other better. After lunch Hannah had biology with Mr.Frogg. He was very nice,but not as nice as Miss Wendy.Then came history with Mr.Owens. Then they had P.E. With Coach Jason. Their first unit was flying soccer! Hannah was so excited,she did a backflip in the air. She played the best out of the whole class, and kicked so hard, she almost broke the stained glass windows in the gym. When it was time to go home, Hannah was very sad. But she couldn't wait to tell her mom all about it. She also was looking forward to going to the candy store later!

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