That Dream

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(f/n) first name
(l/n) last name
(s/n) name of your older sister

"(S/n), are we finished yet?" You groaned. Your older sister was mezmorized by the field of flowers in front of her. She didn't answer, it was like she was in a trance. Then, she ran back into the field to pick more flowers. While she was in the field, you looked at the the flowers you had picked. Seven tulips. You looked back at your sister. She was probably going to pick at least twenty. It felt like a half hour before she finally shouted "(F/n), I'm done!" Immediatley, you ran back to the house. Thank god.

It was Midsummers night, one of the most celebrated events for young girls, including you.

Every year, young girls would get seven flowers (pretty sure (s/n) has got that covered), and place them under their pillows. Some might get the chance to see their future. Your parents are beginning to think you're too old for the tradition. Both you and (s/n) are. (S/n) still wants to continue. She wants to see who'll be her husband in the future. She's so excited for the day they'll meet. You, well you thought this tradtion was childish. You decided to try one more year.

You tucked the tulips under your pillow and stared at the sky. Then, you looked around. Everyone was here. Family, friends, even some people you don't know. They were all conversing with each other. Your parents were probably talking about how this might be the last time you are doing the tradition. Honestly, you didn't care what they were thinking about.

Your sister was literally screaming in your ear. "I wonder what my future husband's going to be like! I bet he's hot!" "Hey you, calm down!" Some girls were yelling at (s/n). You couldn't help but chuckle alittle. She then became silent. "Come on (s/n), this dream you'll have will probably bring you to your soul mate." You tried to cheer her up. "You just have to wait alittle bit. He will eventually find you." (S/n) wiped a tear that you hadn't noticed before and squeezed you as hard as she could. "Thank you (f/n), I wish I was like you. You always know what to say."

A few minutes later, everyone fell alseep. All you could hear was quiet snores. You looked at the sky, then fell sound asleep.


After a few minutes, you found yourself in a small town by a lake. It was weird because no-one was there. No children playing, no men rushing to work, no women shopping, nothing. It felt like a ghost town. It felt weird being there so you decided to go to the lake. You sat near the water. You felt very relaxed when you saw the ripples forming on the water.

All of a sudden a voice called out to you. "(F/n) (l/n)?" You immediatley tensed up. You looked over your shoulders to find a blond haired man in a purple sailor uniform. There was alot that stood out. Those piercing blue eyes, the cross hairclip, and the anti-gravity defying curl. You had to admit, he was kinda cute.

He extended his hand to you. You didn't want to be rude, so you grabbed it. You immediatley stood up. Still holding in to your hand, he started to gaze into your eyes. It was very awkward. About four minutes later, he introduced himself. "My names Bondevik, Lukas Bondevik. Most people call me Norway." Lukas, what a nice name.

"Nice to meet you Mr.-" He placed his finger over your lips. "No need. Let's just enjoy the moment."

He pulled in and kissed you.

You were pretty much shocked about everything that just happened. This guy is supposed to be in your future? Your mind was going over the speed limit. Was he going to be your... husband? You just met the guy, and he kissed you. (Sorta. You met in a dream, not in real life. I don't know if that counts.)

A few minutes passed. He finally pulled out of the kiss. "I will find you in the future. No matter how many mountains I have to cross, I'll find a way to be with you~."

Actually, having him as your future husband would be nice.


You woke up to someone poking you. You already knew who it was, (s/n).

"(F/n), I found out who my future husband is! He's so cute! I can't wait to meet him in the future! What about you?"

Lukas will find you. You will be waiting for him

"I can't wait to see you Lukas. I'll be here."

(S/n) just looked at you weirdly. "Ok (f/n), stay here and obsess over your future husband. Imma go make myself a sammich." Of course, this ticked you off. You started to yell at the top of your lungs. "OH REALLY?! WHO WAS THE ONE WHO WAS JUST SAYING 'OH MY HUSBAND IS CUTE'?!" (S/n) ran off and you chased her.


(Yay got a story done! Man, I suck at writing stories. I was just making some of this up./)•3•(\ Also in the comments, feel free to make suggestions.)

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