animal guardian + personal secretary: xyrie.

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congrats to, Bangtan_07; Xyrie.

first applicant to apply and get accepted into this original animation fiction, your character will make this story epic. once again thanks, for acknowledging the story concept and i hope it will become one of your favorite fictions to read, when you're bore.

-note: all first encounters, will be written in the story as in but i'll correct any mistakes and further continue the story with my imagination.

5/4 spots available, friends. apply, when you can thank you.

+ click the arrow on the side for the picture.

+ another applyfics open: christmas island paradise & pretty christmas; the girl band.


full name; Xyrie Vernice Justine

nickname: Xy

face-claim + appearance: red velvet's irene + light blonde hair (like k-on's tsumugi) and crystal black eyes

weapon + specialty: crystal sword + wushu

birthday + age; August 25, 1997 + 18

kingdom name; bangtan fist

clawing heart slots + undercover role; animal guardian + personal secretary

personality traits;

~ quiet: i don't like talking, it's a a waste of time

~ cold: humans should not be trusted easily, therefore if you act distant from them, they will become distant

~ caring to animals: i love animals, i can trust their pure and innocent thoughts

~ impatient: waiting is a huge time waster, i have so little time and I shall not waste a second of it

~frugal: save for the future! that's the right way to go

background; when Xy was a young girl, she was orphaned. a couple took her in and made her their slave. her only friends were the animals around her and her trust in humans decreased. she was able to escape when she was 16, along with her animal friends. she met a boy whom she was a bit attracted to. one night, he made her drink until she got drunk and took advantage of her. she was almost exploited but luckily, she knows wushu. even though she was drunk, she grabbed a stick and beat him to a pulp. her trust for human vanished and she was able to get into her kingdom sometime after that incident.


1. she's afraid of the dark

2. her mental age is way too mature for her birth age

3. she takes things seriously

4. she has a secret trauma of falling in love

5. she can communicate with animals easily

6. her sweet side is only known to the animals around her

7. the couple who took her in had a huge grudge on her parents for making them lose their case

8. her parents were lawyers

9. her first pet was a black kitten which she named pantherlily or simply lily

10. her waistline is extremely small, measuring at about 17.5 inches

11. she doesn't want to cut her waist length hair off since she claims that it keeps her warm during the winter

12. she loves swimming

13. she is extremely fast at logical analyzations and calculations

14. her weak point is running (she hates running, basically)

15. she always has a lollipop with her16. she gets sick if she eats too much

17. she has abs

love interest [s]; a) main smirk: park jimin (bts), b) crush: jeon jungkook (bts), c) pervert: kim namjoon (bts), cold guy: min suga (bts) and, e) friendly smile: kim taehyung

first encounter in the mansion; "Oh yes please, come this way." A slightly wrinkled man pointed the door of Jeon Jungkook's office, Xy's new boss starting today. She has been tasked with a mission and was also told to go undercover as a personal secretary. She nodded and walked towards the big, wooden door. Sighing inwardly, she knocked. 'Here goes nothing' she muttered in her mind. A tall boy with light brown hair and... mint green highlights... answered the door. 'Weird' she thought. She bowed to him and went inside. Her eyebrows raised as she saw that there were two other guys in the office. Now Xy is confused on who is her boss. She just blinked at the now three men staring at her. One is smirking hugely while the other one, the one with the weird highlights, is just smiling. The boy in the middle was looking at her with such curiosity and he possessed an incredible glint in his eyes.

"You must be Kookie's secretary." Smirking guy, a boy with red hair, stood up and walked towards her. "Hello. The name's Jimin, Kookie's friend. That guy-" he points to mint green highlights "-is Taehyung, and this one-" he started towards the last boy, which she guessed was Jungkook. "- is the one and only Jungkook, owner of this manor." When Jimin was done with introductions, he opened a file and smirked. Again. "Xyrie huh." He muttered and looked at her again, his black eyes shimmering with interest. Jungkook cleared his throat. "Thank you for the initial greetings, Jimin. Now,-" Jungkook snatches the folder from Jimin and takes a quick glance "- I understand that you're here as my personal secretary. You can work there-" he points at an empty table near Taehyung "- and you can start work tomorrow. Thank you for coming." He bowed at her and she nodded. She calmly walked out of the room and then stalled outside for a bit longer. "Oh damn, he's hot."

interactions around him in the mansion and outside, when you're going doing your job; they seldom talk but they work together in the same room. when jungkook's bored, he stares at her working and she does not notice at all. he even takes pictures of her and she does not notice. they only speak when xy needs some clarification on the paperwork. xy acts cold around jungkook and his friends, frustrating them. even though xy thinks that they're... attractive, she still has no trust in humans, explaining her cold front.

password; lolli, lolli dolly princess butterfly

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