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disguise in their professional uniforms, the five girls and their pet squirrel. walk up to the scarlet's knight gated mansion, beside the right side of the one gate was a key system with a miniature screen plus guest buzzer. as soon as xy pressures it, a tired male voice answers.

'afternoon, this is knight's residence. how may i help you?'

timid donuts replies, 'uh sir, i'm the applicant for the maid/bulter job.'

'eh-, i'm here to landscape the property on behalf of, mr. jeon wonwoo, sir,' grumpy sugar cube: claudette weissrozen known as, cloud, informs.

mommy leader speaks up, 'excuse me sir, mind opening the gate for us.'

'alright, hold on a minute,' he says. 'could you, girls stand aside there are some trucks coming with some materials, as mr. jeon wonwoo assign. i'm guessing you're ms. claudette, right.' the screen turns on, the five girls saw a grayish, sliver head mid age man smoking a cigarette with his feet up on the desk with files, observing each of their faces. 'i see you're the girls, that the young masters told me, about, just walk straight in up head just ring the door bell and butler sengri will escort you in.'

xy smiles, 'thank you so much, sir.' at the same time, the girls found it very strange that the guy who's in charge of security smokes most of all, even knew their fake information background, at least the girls had time studied and remembered, all the important details of their targets. the massive gates, went up out, as the moving trucks ascended in, the girls quickly ran inside soon after the gates closed, their nerves were already tingling.

'aiyo, don't me tell you girls are already scare, now,' momo blurts.

sniper arrow shrugs her shoulders, 'what are we? puppets in lazy town?' momo rolls his eyes, at her. 'aish.'

'ah yah, both of you shut it and keep focus,' timid donuts sighs. 'it's not like you're kids anymore.'

xy smiles, in remembrance, 'ah good old days, don't you say?'

'like when you put jelly frosting beans in, my pajamas,' cloud frowns. 'it was classic.' she fake laughs.

xy toothy smirk, appears, 'it really was. i'm missing it, being a child.' momo slides into her pocket.

'we all do, xy,' mommy leader chuckles. 'at least once this mission is over, will have enough to time have a great summer-winter vacation in, 'south arctic,' planet.'

timid donuts comments, 'there are tons of amazing, ice cream shocking fruity cones that i love, there. can't we just skip the mission and go please.'

'yah! focus, the moment we live this place. earth might became a army planet full of scarlet knights golden plastic dolls. imagine, three billion heartless soldiers against five of us. do you see the combo of defeat yet?' cloud simplifies.

sniper arrow curses, 'shit! there's no way we can defeat.'

'unless, we fuse our powers together to form a wormhole into the universe vanishing realm,' mommy leader suggests.

'if that happens, i guess that best thing to do,' xy replies, thinking about that decision carefully agreeing with mommy leader's suggestion.

cloud quickly says shush to the girls, as they arrived in front of the mansion's main door that was being opened from the behind, revealing a other tall guy with greenish dye hair cut in a bob style dress in a chef uniform shirt, leather jeans holding onto a pair of drum sticks. yawning, stretching his arms up tiredly and shrugs it down, facing the girls. 'can i help you?' min yoongi asks. staring at girls especially timid donuts.

'what the hell, you're looking bird brains?' timid donuts sniffs.

yoongi laughs, ruffling his messy mint greenish wavy hair, 'who are you, to tell what i can't look at? it's my freaking eyes, babe, got a problem?'

'yeah, you and your damn mess up eyes. if you want i can transform it to black eyes for you,' timid donut offers.

'uh, like no thanks. i'm sticking to my pretty eyes than your baggy dark circular panda eyes,' yoongi points out.

timid donuts mouth drops open, 'you, you- shut up! you bastard full of crazy cheesy curls.'

the insult was defiantly super childish causing yoongi to cough through a tiny giggle, 'what are we, kindergartners? cheesy curls is all you, poopie princess,' yoongi teases. cloud held timid donuts shoulder back before she uses her super strength, out of the blue momo crawls out of her pocket and jumps on yoongi, who got startled by the furry fluff-ball. 'ah! what the heck, get it off me, please....ah! yah! get off,' yoongi hisses, grabbing momo by the tail throwing him into the flower poach side garden. 'what kind of person, carries a squirrel around?'

cloud puffs her nose, 'hey momo, is my best friend from childhood don't treat my pet that way.' she snoops down and searches for momo, apparently momo was one step ahead and bite yoongi's cheeks, 'ah!' he groans, rubbing his cheek as momo jumps onto cloud's shoulder and growls at yoongi. 'pretty simple, that he hates you now.'

'this means war,' yoongi glares at momo and cloud.

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