Chapter 9

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I jump from my seat in English and bolt for the door. I don't even bother to look up at the girls. I just dump everything on my desk into my gym bag and make a rush for it.

From somewhere behind me I hear Citra's whine.

"DHALIA! Slow down! Where are you going? We need to talk more about everything!"

I stop in my tracks and slowly turn to look at the pouting faces of my best friends.

"Come on, Citra. We talked about all this during the two-hour fire-alarm delay. It's enough!"

"Yes, but we didn't know then that he wouldn't show up for the rest of the day. That means something!"

"Yeah, it means he is disgusted and embarrassed."

"No it doesn't. You are so clueless. Do you remember when I went to the washroom for fifteen minutes during history?"

"More or less."

"Well I actually went to the store and got a bridal magazine. The girls and I figure that you should get married on August twenty-fifth. You'll be wearing an intricate, skin-tight white lace dress that flares out at the bottom. OMG Dhali you're going to love the heels I choose for you!"


Michaela then looks at me and her lower lip starts to quiver.

"Citra, you promised me I could tie cans to her shoes as she walked out! I actually fished them out of the recycle bin! And what is Wendy supposed to do with the pile of confetti she shredded? It took the girl all period and her fingers are totally raw."

Now it's Wendy's turn to hang her head.

"They are Dhalia...look!"

I roll my eyes and stare them down.

"Listen, you three need to get a life! It was bad enough that we started Romeo and Juliet in English. The three of you made it impossible for me to concentrate! I kind of expected it from Citra and possibly Michaela but you too Wendy?"

"Just call me Tybalt, if you must."

"I'm not calling any of you anything! I need to get to work!"

I turn around and hear them protesting in the background. I keep a steady pace and head to the door. I quickly join the mass of bodies in the hallway and make my way outside. As soon as my foot touches the sidewalk a tight knot forms in my throat and my stomach lurches. My feet start to feel heavy and I have to drag them the fifteen minutes it takes to reach the mall.

I close my eyes and hang my head reverentially before going inside.

"Okay Ganesha, this is your moment. You helped me out with the fire alarm earlier but then you allowed Wendy to write that...that...THING! Please tell me that the boy, whatever his name is, missed the note entirely and it is still sitting on the floor of geography class just waiting for the custodian to pick it up. If not that then let him have seen that it came from Wendy and not me! Also, and I know this sounds awful, but let him be a little bit sick so he misses work. Nothing serious, of course! A headache or a rash would be fine or even..."

"OMG Dhali, are you going to list off EVERY disease?"

I whip my head around to find the three of them standing right behind me.

"What-the? What are you guys doing here? How did you get here? This is NOT a good time!"

Citra folds her arms across her chest and laughs.

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