Chapter 21

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We drive around in Shiny's van for what feels like an eternity. Flashes of the violation in my apartment come in waves and send me on a roller coaster of emotions. One moment I am crying and blubbering and the next I am slamming my fists into the floor of the van. In between the two are moments of disbelief where the entire situation seems surreal.

Dean keeps me tight to his chest and refuses to let me move an inch. The warmth from his body is soothing and gives me moments where I can actually breathe. He continuously rubs my back and smooths his fingers over my cheeks while whispering in my ear.

"It's okay, Dhalia. We're going to get through this...I promise you that everything is going to work out. We're going to rescue your friends and teach Glyph a lesson that he can take all the way back to The Society!"

His words bring me comfort until the image of Bibi's dead body come rushing back.

The van comes to an abrupt stop and Shiny puts it in park.

"Sorry, dudes but this is as close as we can get by van. Time to pound the pavement!"

Dean looks out the window and then back at Shiny.

"Where are we? I thought you were bringing us to a tattoo parlour? This area looks totally run down and decrepit!"

Shiny just smiles back at him.

"Where do you think all the best tattoo artists are? Come on, guys!"

Dean and I look at one another and shrug. He opens the van's side door and we both climb out.

The smell is so overpowering that I clamp my hand over my mouth to try to keep from throwing up. It's as if a pile of rotten fish were mixed with a vat of manure and spiced with rancid meat. Dean wrinkles his nose and also looks a little green. Shiny, on the other hand, steps out of the car and takes a deep breath while spreading his arms wide. His mouth immediately breaks into a wide grin.

"The smell of home! Pretty awesome, right guys?"

Dean and I look at one another and cringe. I try to open my mouth to reply but I gag immediately. Shiny smirks and claps his hands together.

"I know right? You guys are speechless. This is the smell of champions!"

"Champion what?" Dean mutters to me under his breath.

Shiny gives Dean a knowing stare but smiles the entire time. He reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out a case filled with homemade cigarettes. He flips one in the air and catches it between his lips. He carefully lights the twisted end and hauls deeply.

"Ah... the perfect combination! Shall we go?"

"Come on, I'll show you around and take you to the place I told you about."

I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"But you haven't told us anything about it yet."

"Yeah well, that's all part of the myst-cheek right?"

I can't help but laugh.

"Do you mean mystique?"

Shiny laughs heartily.

"Yeah, that too."

He immediately heads down the main road, whistling as he goes. Like a trained tour-guide he points out all the highlights of his stomping grounds.

"And over here we have 'working-girl way'. On the left side of the street are all of the gems!"

He then calls out and starts to wave.

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