*Chapter 10*

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Songs for the chapter;

Mrs. Potato Head - Melanie Martinez

Strings - Shawn Mendes

Alexia's POV.

All three of us were in the car, heading to our apartment. Andrea was texting, while Camila was driving.

"Cameron wants to go to dinner with you, Matt and me. He said he wanted to apologize." I told her, "Okay, where?" She said calmly, not the reaction I was expecting.

"The Nice Guy." I replied, "Okay, well I'll tell Matt about it." She said, stopping at a red light and grabbing her phone.

I decided to ask Cameron the time of the dinner while she texted away.

To Cameron;

Hey, at what time do we have to be there?

From Cameron;

7:30, I already have reservations

To Cameron;

Okay, see you later!

From Cameron;

Alright, see you later.

I looked to the front to see the car moving, "He said the time is at seven thirty." I told her, "Alright." She mumbled,

"Yo Andrea, how the hell are you going to get to school in the mornings?" I asked, "I don't know," "I'll just drive her, it's not like I'm that lazy to wake up so late." Camila said.

"Are you sure? I could always have Hayes pick me up." Andrea said, "I keep forgetting you have a boyfriend." Camila said, smiling. "I'm so telling him that." Andrea laughed, "Hey, don't be mean." She laughed.

-skip the car ride-

We walked through our aparment building halls, passing by a few people here and there.

We finally reached our apartment and I unlocked the door, Andrea went straight to her room and Camila went straight to the kitchen, where her laptop always is.

I on the other hand, went to the kitchen to talk to her.

"Hi." I said, leaning against the island, "Hey." She said, looking at her laptop screen "What's wrong?" I asked, "Besides the fact that everyone keeps asking if I'm pregnant, when I'm fucking not. Nothing, nothing at all." She snapped, "I'm sick and tired of being portraided as the fucking nice one here, when everyone in this whole world knows I'm an angel fallen from the sky. It sucks being in a good relationship, and people trying to mess it up every chance they get. Because first it was Matt's ex, then it was Marie, now it's people with the whole pregnant questions. I didn't mind it from Skate because he knows I love food, but for heavens sake, I swear Matthew's going to leave me one day." She said, rolling her eyes at the end.

"No he isn't. Didn't you hear when he told Marie to get the fuck out of L.A because you're not going anywhere? Or when he defended you last night at the beach? He's madly in love with you." I said, "Yeah, that can change though, that's what I'm worried about." She said, her blue eyes glossing up.

"Hug?" I asked opening my arms, causing her to jump off the stool and hug me. "Everything's going to be alright. If not today, then tomorrow." I said, "Thank you for not trying to kill me through all the years we've known eachother." She mumbled, making me laugh.

"Do you want to get dressed here or are you going to get dressed at Matthew's?" I asked, "Dude, that's basically my house. Because if I don't cook, that fuckboy isn't going to eat at all." She said, closing her MacBook, "So, no." She laughed, grabbing her laptop and bags and going upstairs.

"Wow, such a great girlfriend!" I shouted, "I know, I deserve a Grammy." She shouted back, "Fucking idiot." I laughed, grabbing an Arizona Tea and going to my room.

Since it was currently 5:30, I decided to just take a long ass bath.

I walked into my bathroom filling up the bath, I poured in some bath salt and waited for the bathtub to fill up.

I grabbed my phone and placed it in the dock that's next to the tub, and put it on shuffle.

As soon as the bathtub filled up, I turned off the water and got in. Along with a bath bomb. You can never go wrong with one of these things.

Camila's POV.

"So, let me get this straight, after he treats her like complete shit, she's still willing to forgive him?" Andrea asked, "Basically, I guess." I sighed, I literally had just showered, and now I'm doing my make up and hair.

"That's some fucksd up shit." She said, "Eh, I'm just going to be myself, but the polite version. I guess you could call it?" I said, "Ha, that'd be nice." She said, laying down.

Once I finished my make up, I straightened my hair, even though my hair is naturally straight, it takes too long to dry.

"So Matt is going aswell?" She asked, "Yeah, apparently he wants to apologize to us." I said, "Who knows, maybe the break up cleared his mind and he realised Alexia is hot as fuck." Andrea said, "Yeah, true." I laughed,

"Wait, what am I going to do?!" She says, "Uhm, order some pizza. Invite Hayes over, but no fucking." I said, "Chill mom." She said, laughing quickly after. "Idiot." I smiled through the mirror.

I finished my hair and headed over to my closet, picking out a black dress I got from PacSun in the beginning of summer and nude high heels.

I placed the heels on my bed and slid on the dress, and yes, I have an underwear and bra on. Duh.

"Can I use that dress for the first day of school?" Andrea asked, "Yeah, sure. Just, tale care of it." I laughed at her sudden question,

"You rea- Hot damn, and I thought I looked hot, what the fuck." Alexis said walking in.

I put on my heels, smiling in satisfaction.

"Yeah, let me just grab my phone, and well, put a case on that bitch." I said, walking towards my vanity and opening a drawer. I took out the glitter fall case and put it on, perfect.

"Okay, so I imagine you have money?" I asked Andrea, "Oh, yeah it's in my room." She said, "Alright, you can invite who ever you want as long as they don't come in here or reck the apartment." Alexia said.

"Okay, have fun moms!" She yelled as we walked out, "Thanks, you too, child!" I shouted back.

"Do I look okay?" Alexia asked, I looked at her and then at her outfit, "Yeah, it looks really gorgeous." I said as we walked over to my Range Rover.

"Finally, a car that's mine." I sighed, "You really hate driving my car huh?" She laughed, "No, it's just, mine smells like Matt's cologne, while yours smells like a fucking Starbucks." I said, smirking.

"Aye, not my fault I love Starbucks." She said, glaring at me.

"Whatever, leggo." I laughed, getting in.

"What if he brings Marie?!" She said, "I don't think he's that stupid." I reasurred.

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