Chapter 17

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Alexia's POV.

Last night was so perfect, my god. When I got home last night he walked me to the front door and kissed my forehead and ugh heart eyes.

It's currently 9am tho and i can't fangiel to Camila about last night because she's still in bed and because she probably has to do some stuff today with Matt's parents. And by the way, I feel like Matt might propose, I don't know why but I do.

I got out of bed and got ready for the day, leaving my hair down tho. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs, I walked into the kitchen and saw Momma Espinosa and gave her a big ass hug because the last time I saw her was a year ago.

"Alexia! I haven't seen you in so long, how are you?" She asked hugging me, "Ive been good, how about you? Ive missed you guys so much." I said as we got out of the hug, "We've been good, we thought it would be a good idea to spend some time with Matt and you girls for a little while. Especially because of how much we missed you kids." She said while she cooked the bacon.

"Imma be honest, I missed your cooking so much." I told her as I grabbed a bacon, earning a smack on my hand from her. Lmao.

Just then Camila and Matt came downstairs with messy ass hair, kinky.

"Rough morning?" I asked about to laugh but then realizing that his parents were right there. Both of there cheeks started to spread this light red color. My eyes widen and my mouth drops and I burst out laughing. "Jesus Christ."I don't know what got to me. They had sex and they look like hell or that they had sex with there parents in the house. Holy shit.

Camila came and kicked me in the stomach. "Shut up child." She whispered yelled while helping me get up. Matt was just looking at his parents while they were confused as fuck. I just looked at him with a huge smile and we all sat down. Matt flipped me off secretly and I just giggled while sipping some of my good ass coffee. Momma Espinosa makes some good ass coffee. Why can't she stay forever?

"I swear to god if you bring this up to anyone, I won't hesitate to kill your unicorn stuffy." Matt murmured while eating some bacon. I just smirked and nodded my head. "You ain't going to let this go aren't you?" Cami said sighing. "Nope." I said proudly. "At least we getting some and you ain't" Matt smirked while Cami hits his thigh. "..........tru....." I mumbled. Jerk.

So once I finished my food I went on my phone and looked at whatever on Twitter until I found a certain tweet that made my head spin.

@CameronDallas: Late night drives with that special person...❤️

Jesus Christ this boy is going to be the death of me. So I obviously retweeted it and looked up to see matts mom and dad leaving to go to the park. "So was it kinky?" I smirked. "ALEXIA FOR GODSAKES!" They both yelled at the same time. "Holy shit. That was awesome." I laughed a lil while they did as well.

"Dude, I'm just glad they didn't hear us." Matt said while grabbing a Gatorade, "Get me an arizona." Cami said to him, "I mean, Camila looked banging last night so I don't blame you." I smiled while Camila laughed.

"Tru young stunah." He smiled, "We should all go to the mall, I wanna buy some more hoodies." Camila suggested, "Yeah, and we could bring your mom and dad." I told Matt, "My dad wouldn't want to come but maybe my mom would." He said, "I'll ask her." he then added.

"So, again, was it kinky or?" I asked Camila while Matt texted his parents, "Si mija si, estaba bueno." She said in spanish so he couldn't understand. "I KNEW IT." I said, "Y'all looked like hell walking into the kitchen earlier by the way." I added, earning a hit across the head from Cami.

"It was the plain truth." I smirked getting up, while I was gonna go upstairs I went back to the kitchen to get my phone only to see Matt and Cami making out.

"Get a room tho." I said covering my eyes playfully, "I'm gonna cut your boobs off." Camila said making me and Matt laugh. "Sure babygirl." I said laughing.

Once I layed down on my bed I went onto Twitter liking some tweets and retweeting dog pictures so Camila could see them whenever she gets into Twitter. As I posted a selfie from last night with the caption "Glowing thanks to my babygirl💗." I got hella retweets and likes. But one that stood out to me was Cameron's.

"Goodness gracious 😍" it read, causing me to smile really hard "CAMILA!" I yelled out for her, and as soon as I said that I heard her running up the stairs.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" She said with worry, "COME HERE" I honestly just couldn't contain my happiness as I showed her Cameron's tweet.

"Y'all are such fucking goals and you guys aren't even dating." She said going onto twitter, "Imma retweet him." She said, "What are you gonna say?" I asked her, she typed away and then showed me "she's just an angel walking this earth, am i right😍".

"Oh my, I love you so much what the hell." I said smiling at her. "I love yo-" "Get ready, my mom wants to go to the mall with us." Matt said, annoyed. "Did i interrupt something down there?" I smirked, "I'm gonna kill your unicorn stuffy." He said walking away, "You might wanna go give him some." I said smirking as she got off the bed.

"Nah, he's mad because I was teasing him." She laughed, making me laugh too. "You? Teasing? I thought you was innocent." I laughed as I got off the bed and she walked out closing the door so I could get ready.

I grabbed my black slip on vans, a pair of black leggings and a hoodie. Very simple and comfortable but cute. Once I got ready I sat on my bed and went onto Twitter.

"@andreasmith: smh, always leaving me out of things🙄"

This girl better not be talking about me and Cami. I went through her liked tweets and saw that she liked a tweet that said "Mila and Alexia always seem to leave Andrea out, it's like Alexia is driving a wedge between Andrea and Camila." what the fuck, smh.

I decided it would be a great idea to tweet a photo of me and Camila of when we used to live in Boston when we were kids.

"young stunahs 💍🇵🇷" I posted it tagging Mila and Matthew because that's what he calls us. A few seconds later Mila quoted it with "you picked the ugliest pic of me, d e l e t e" followed by "oh wait nvm, we was hot then and we hot now👅💍" lmao, this girl.

I liked those two tweets and retweeted them. I then went to see if she tweeted anything else and let me tell you, this girl is mad pissed.

"@youngstunmila: boi, if you got a problem hit it up in the group chat not twit"

followed by various others.

"@youngstunmila: got me all heated and ish, girl you know that shit ain't true"

"@youngstunmila: en esto soy yo la que mando. nobody tells me what to do, and n o b o d y causes "wedges" into my mf friendships. OR RELATIONSHIPS.👀"

followed with her tweeting a pic of when she was fifteen, which she still looks the same only even more bad af.

"young stun stun in her hometown❤️" which I retweeted with "let's take time to appreciate this angel, gorgeous then gorgeous now😍" after I tweeted that I sprayed some perfume on and grabbed my purse and my credit card.

I walked downstairs and saw Camila looking fly as hell, "My mamas bad as hell." She said to me clearly taking a video of me "Got it from you young stunah." I smirked and stook my tounge out for the video.

By the way, she has the same style of outfit i had, except her hoodie was a camo print in green, and her white slip on vans. And she had her hair in a messy bun.

"I didn't do my make up but I put on highlight and Matt looks at me and he goes 'I don't get why you use make up, you look mad good no matter what' and I think I may have just fallen even more inlove with him." She said, making me think about last night.

"I may be falling inlove with Cameron again."

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