Unexpected Hooker

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I woke up feeling completely refreshed from the night before. I loved the way Ally felt on my skin. The way she passionately kissed me and gave me spankings. The way she touched my juicy creamy bussy. I sighed and turned over to kiss her good morning but all I saw was blood spattered across the sheets. I examined the rest of the room and concluded that Allyson was dead. "Bye bitch" I thought to myself and then I had a sudden craving. I wanted more sex, rough sex, kinky sex, but more than that, I wanted great sex. I grabbed my car keys cause I just got my license "Holla" and I drove off to the one place I could find someone to fuck my bussy.

I arrived in the Home Depot parking feeling nervous. So many things were running through my mind as I drove around, searching for a new lesbian lover. After hours of searching through the groups of people looking for manual labor I gave up. No one could ever be as sexy and rough as Ally. I began to pull out of the lot when all of a suddenly felt a big bump. I ran out of my car and looked under the tires only to find a beautiful blonde bimbo lying there with a huge head wound. She was absolutely perfect I thought to myself. I grabbed ahold of her arms and threw her into my trunk. I couldn't wait to finally have a real live girlfriend.

When I got home I threw the blonde bimbo on the floor and took off my shoes. She awoke abruptly and began to panic, but as soon as she saw my face she began to smile. She pulled out a cigarette and took a huge drag.

"What's up you sexy bitch?" The blonde bimbo said in a raspy smokers voice.

"I hit you with my car and I thought you were hot so I took you home. I hope that's okay."

"Of course it is baby, getting hit by cars is what turns me on the most. You could say it's my kink ;)). My names Maddy by the way"

I stared at her for a bit, then decided that she was gonna be my new girlfriend.

"You're gonna be my new girlfriend". I said confidently.

"That's fine, but first you have to repay me for the damage you caused when you hit my with your car." Maddy said seductively.

"Oh I'll do anything you want me to Maddy." I said.

My bussy began to get super juicy. Maddy walked up to me and grabbed my milk jug (that means boob) and began to shake it.

"Ohhhh my milkshakes ;))." I said while moaning.

She threw me onto the couch and began caressing my tongue with hers. She pulled off my shirt and began kissing my navel passionately. I moaned loudly, I was sure that the neighbors could hear us having sex, but I didn't care. I began sucking on her plump armpit and traced my tongue across her under boob.

"We should take this back to the bedroom Morgan ;)."

"Wait, how did you know my name??."

As I began to get up the world began to spin around me. I dropped to the ground and finally blacked out.

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