chapter 8

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Chapter 8


"Aemelia, darling" I groan from underneath my duvet at the sound of my mother's obnoxious voice from the mirror. Why can't they leave me alone for good? Why do they bother contacting me when they know I don't want to speak to them...ever.

"Go away!" I yell. Throwing a pillow to where the voice came from. "Do I have to break another mirror?"

Silence. I probably hurt their feelings, but I'm not in the mood to be woken up 7am. After a couple of minutes, I get up, assuming that my parents have already left. I grab my phone and call Carly.

"CARLY!" I yell through the phone. "Why don't I have my breakfast? Bring me my breakfast. Now!"

I sigh in annoyance at Carly's voice. Why wasn't she awake already? She needs to help cook with her food.

"How many times do we have to tell you how to treat your servants?" Asks my father from one of the mirrors. I turn to face them.

"And how many have I told you to go away?" I respond with an eye roll. "I guess we both have our problems."

"This isn't how the future queen of the enchanted forest should act," My father continues, ignoring my remark. I roll my eyes again." You need to set an example for the rest of the kingdom and-"

" I know, I know. Create peace and show love blah blah blah, I know" I say. "you guys have told me this my whole life, I know. Now can you skip the lecture, go away and let me continue my day?"

"Aemelia.." My mother says in an irritated voice, "we need to talk about the boy now."

My wandering eyes meet their eyes. I glare at them.

"What do you guys know? Who told you?" I ask them. They look at me pitingly,

"It doesn't matter, what matters is –"I cut my mother off.

"Who told you" I spit."This isn't a hard question, Who. Told. You?"

"Aemelia-" Start my father.

"EMILY!" I almost scream. "my name is Emily. Now tell me who it was or I will punish everyone here!"

My mother, who is almost in tears replies, "It WAS Carl, she woke us up early in the morning to tell us everything. She apologised for her foolish behaviour. You dont have to punish her..."

I drown her words out as I walk out the room.

Can't Carly do anythig right? I''m the one that can deal with my problems, I don't need my paretns advice. I AM RUNNING TOWARDS THE KITCHEN WHEN I BUMP INTO TO SOMEONE.

Carly. Her eyes look at me scared as she bops down to curtsey me. I actually feel the fire inside of me and it cares me a bit.

"How dare you," I whisper, softly. I'm actually surprised at my voice, I wouldve expected shouting by now. Even Carly looks surprised. "How dare you tell my parents about Harley."

"I'm s-sorry , princess," She says. "but Harry needs to go home and-"

"I. Don't. Care. About. Harry." I shout in her face. My face is inches from hers and she can probably smell morning breathe but I dont care.

"b-but Harry.."She starts. Doesn't she understand what im saying? I decide to ignore her.

"You are to sleep in the attic for a week," I say

"A week?"

"And you are to have only bread and water." I see that I have the attention of the kitchen staff. Even cook, who puts her large hand on my shoulder.

"Don't think you're being abit to rough on Carly?" she asks in her rough, Scottish accent. "She only-"

"Do you want to join her too cook?" I ask menacing as I shrug her hand off my shoulder. I start to walk towards my room. My parents will proably find out about this soon, but who cares.

"And don't forget about my breakfast."


I'm alone in the dining/situation room eating my breakfast. It's a bit lonely sometime, but it suits me fine.....Actually I admit it's really lonely and depressing. I think about how different it would be if I had been born in a normal family, one who actually loved me for me.

I would probably be waking up to eat breakfast that my mum made, laughing at a joke my dad made. I also would've been taking my dog out for a walk and picking up my little brother...

That's it.

Maybe fate bought Harry here so that I could have some sort of a brother to have. Maybe I can actually have someone to keep me company in my horrible life. Maybe Harry will enjoy being with me.

I stand up quickly, knocking over some of my of breakfast. Though, which to be fair was only a couple of crumpets with backed beans that tasted a couple of days off. I have a feeling that this intentionally done by cook, to punish me for the whole Harry situation'.

Some of my servants come to clean my mess, I manage to squeeze past them and run out to find the boy, who will be grateful when he hears my news.

When I reach the room, I open the door with a grin on my face.

There's nobody here. I frown. Strange.

The dull, patterned blankets are neatly folded on the bed, with the pillow already fluffed out. The room looks untouched.

The sight of the tidy room irritates my eyes and I have to look away.

Where has he gone?

I'm ready to leave the room, when I hear shuffling from the room next to it, my office. I think I know who is in there and I'm not happy.

As soon as I walk in I notice that my phone is gone, he must be using it! I do my best to keep quiet, I need to know what he is doing.

"Ashton, I only have a minute to talk to you," he whispers thtough the phone, he is hiding under my desk. I swiftly move towards the desk and hides behind him. The boy holds his breath for a minute,so do I, then continues.

"go on." Says a voice from the other side pf the phone, he must be ashton. Barry might tell him the secret! I slowly move my hands towards the phone to grab it.

"Some kind of crazy lady live in the-" I cut him off by grabbing the phone off him.

"crazy lady, huh?" I ask him with a grim expression. he just glares at me and then tries to retrieve the phone. I push him off me and then hang up the phone.

"Why did you that for?" I ask him angrily. "don't you want to live with me? don't you want to be treated like a prince? Whats the matter with you Harry?"

He doesn't reply, only his angry breaths are heard.

"if living with you and being treated like a prince means tht treat other people badly, then no thanks." He says. " I want to go home, with my family and not in this prison!"

He looks me straight in the eye boldly. I meet his gaze too, I don't want to show him how much his words have hurt me. I don't want to show him that im weak.

I have to push him away.

"so you don't want to be treated like a prince then?" he shakes his head. "fine, then you will be treated like a servant."

"what!-that's not what I-" I cut off his whining.

"for disrespecting me I will have you locked in your room for a day, tomorrow you will start by doing bathroom and kitchen cleaning duty." I look at him. He nods his head, tears rolling down his face.

He gets up and I walk him to his room. I then lock him inside of it.

I quickly walk away to my room when I hear his sobs. I musnt look behind.

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