Chapter 2/ A adventure begins

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~Maya's P.O.V~

"What must I do?"

My dad smiles sadly.

"You must travel to Hyrule. There, you will have to find the other three Triforce pieces."

I nod and walk over to mom. She was about to cry herself. I pull her into a tight hug. This only causes her to break down and start crying. Dad walks over and makes a group hug. We all stay like that for awhile, but a loud crash outside made us all pull away. I look out the window and see where a lightning bolt hit the ground. It was quite terrifying. I run upstairs and grab a bag. I stuff some clothes and a blanket for snuggles. I run downstairs and grab some apples and a loaf of bread. I grab some potions and bottles of water. I pick up snuggles and run into the living.

"How do I get to Hyrule?" I ask.

My mom looks over at me.

"Go into the woods by the deku palace and you'll see a tree with a hole going down in it. Be careful sweetie."

She kisses my forehead and hugs me tight. I look over at dad and he's smiling sadly.

"Good luck, Maya. Be careful snug bug."

I hug him tight and nod. I open the front door and look back at them.

"Make sure you visit Malon more often. Don't be bad when I'm gone!"
"We make no promises!" My dad shouts.

I laugh and feel a tears slip from my eye.

"I'll be back. Love you."

And with that, I run out of the house. As I'm running, I hear my mom crying. It broke my heart. It really did. I put snuggles down and he runs beside me. The sky was now a mix of Blood red, black, and dark blue. It was frightening. I run into the woods and head straight, and just like mom said, there was a huge tree with a hole going down the middle. All I saw was black. Pitch black. Snuggles backs up and whimpers.

"Don't be afraid snuggles. We're doing this together. Remember, this is for the whole world! This... Is for Mom and Dad."

I pick him up and pet him tills he's calm. I look into the deep hole and take a deep breath.

"Okay. Let's do this."

I take a few step back and then run forward and jump in. I hold on to snuggles tight as well fall. I look up and see that the light from the top slowly fading away. I reach up with one hand and close my eyes. Then I become dizzy and black out.
I open my eyes and see a orange sky mixed with purple and peach. I sit up and see that I'm in a bright green field. The wind was blowing through my white hair. But it looked purple the way the sun was shining. Snuggles was still out cold. My bag was right beside me, that's good. I stand up and pat the dirt off my clothes. I look around and see big stone walls in the distance. There also seemed to be a ranch up ahead. There was a little bridge over a small creak. Then some stone stairs leading up the large hill. It was a very beautiful place. Was this Hyrule? Mom must've lived here. It's awesome! I pick up my bag and sling it over my shoulder and pick up snuggles. I start to walk over to the tiny bridge. I could hear birds chirping in the background. I walk over the bridge and up the stone stairs. When I reach the top, I see a village. It was small, but cute. I slowly walk into the village, trying to not bring any attention to myself. But, that didn't work! People came up to me with shocked faces.

"Hello! Are you new here?" Someone asks.
"O-oh! Y-yes."
"We can tell. The clothes you're wearing isn't from around here."

I look down and see that my clothes was different from theirs. I look up and smile.

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