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        I wake up under the tree. "We thought we lost you there, Katherine!" Trinity says in a relieved voice. "I'm alive." I whisper. Nomed groans. "Can I just freakin' kill her already?" "No. Why?" Trinity asks.  "Wanna know why? I'm a freakin' demon!" He yells, as his eyes turn into dark black, holes, his teeth razor sharp and horns on his head. I scream, aiming the gun I took from Sadie at him. "And what are you gonna do with that?" Nomed asks. "Shoot you!" I yell, leaping from my sleeping bag. "I demand you to leave in the name of Jesus!" Trinity yells. Nomed turns into dust. "We're safe now, Katherine. How old are you?" Trinity asks. "Sixteen. . . I just turned sixteen anyway." I answer quietly. Ava looks at the remains of Nomed. "What an idiot to use a gun to kill a demon, Katherine!" Ava says. "Leave her alone, Ava!" Trinity says in a demanding voice. "What are you gonna do? Tell me to leave? Oh no!" She says sarcastically. Trinity ignores her and turns to me. "You should be glad he didn't cut a major vain in your wrist." She says. "I am." I say. 

        I went back under the tree and slowly went to sleep but something kept stopping me. I kept hearing a voice in my head that was saying "Turn back now!" I tried to tell Trinity we should turn back but Ava kept interrupting. "Trinity, we need to go back! I know the way there!" I say. "Who cares about it!?" Ava says. "Me!" I say. "You want to go back to an old disgusting dumpster?" She asks me. "It's important, you don't understand!" I argue. "Girls, we need no arguments. If Katherine needs to go back for an important thing, we'll do it." Trinity tells us.

        And then after a little bit of time, there it was: the dumpster. "He's not there!" I yell. "Who?" Trinity asks. "Burt, the old homeless man who mentioned the gate." I say. "Oh, Katherine he found the gate already." Trinity says. I got calm. "You mean he's still alive?" I ask. "Yes, Katherine, he's safe now." Trinity answers me. I took a deep breath."We should just go back." I say finally. "You are like so dumb, Katherine!" Ava tells me. "Excuse me?" I ask ready for a fight. "Yes. You're like so stupid to think that guy was still there." She says. "It feels important to me. I can feel it. The worlds coming to an end, Ava, and without eachother, we're nothing." I say sternly. As me, Trinity and Ava all traveled I heard a booming voice with a puchritudinously bright light."There's no turning back once you've already left" It said as the light faded away along with the voice. "Oh this is just wonderful." Ava says.

       Suddenly a portal emerged sucking us all away. 

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