Chapter Four

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The sun had recently set but no tinges of pink or orange colored the sky. The heavy bank of mist above them smothered any hint of stars or moon. The dining hall was already filled with lit candles that were suspended from overhead branches and set on the tables. It added a touch of cozy warmth to the gray night. A settlement meeting was about to begin.

Hundreds of people had gathered at the long tables or on the floor of the expansive platform that nestled between two massive boughs of the elm. Higher branches curved protectively over them, their dark green leaves sheltering the Nextic from the chaos outside.

Theodosia entered the room at Ahuil's side. Her heart beat fast. Ahuil was tasked with presenting a plan to defeat the half-beings. His words could either bring the Nextic on his side or push them away. So much hung in the balance of this speech.

She looked about, surveying the crowd. The women wore simple shifts and some of them wore antlers in their hair or necklaces from seeds or rocks. The men were more simply dressed in light brown linen clothes and had long hair and beards.

A few children played under the tables or raced about, chasing each other, but Theodosia noticed that they were few and far between. As Ahuil had told her, the birth rate in the Nextic world was low - probably to accommodate the small size of their world.

The intense hubbub of conversation died down as soon as they saw her and Ahuil. All eyes turned in their direction. She noticed that they eyed her just as intently as they did Ahuil. She could sense the tenseness in his body from the way he squeezed her hand. He had never wanted to be a leader. And yet here he was: his two brothers carried away by the mist, his parents dead, and his world at war.

They sat at the front of the room on a long bench covered in gray furs. Theodosia hastily arranged her simple white linen dress over her knees. She and Ahuil had both agreed it would be better if she blended in more, hoping it would smother the idea that she was an outsider and therefore some kind of omen.

It wasn't working. Almost everyone was staring at her. Theodosia averted her eyes, feeling self-conscious. She wondered if foreign energy, made up of her language, her upbringing, even her body language, still clung to her. The Nextic were so sensitive to energy, perhaps it didn't matter what she wore. For them, you couldn't cover what was inside.

Tipelli and Izel came and stood close by. Ahuil nodded at them but they both avoided his gaze. Evidently they had not forgiven him for asking her to leave. Her stomach twisted at the thought of the conflict she had created.

Xochitl came soon after, hurrying in while holding Yoltzin's hand. Both were in white linen shifts with necklaces that looked like they were made from antlers. The little girl hung her head as she walked. Theodosia's heart went out to her. She could not imagine what it would be like to lose a parent so young. The poor child's heart had to be breaking.

Xochitl met her friend's gaze and tried for a smile that quickly wobbled and fell. Theodosia looked at her longingly. They still hadn't had a chance to speak since Ahuil's brothers had died. She hoped Xochitl wasn't angry that she had left without saying goodbye. She was beginning to wonder if it had not been rather thoughtless to leave so quickly. Being impulsive was sometimes to her benefit but more often not.

Xochitl came and sat by her and Yoltzin climbed up onto her lap. Theodosia's heart melted as the little girl snuggled up and laid her head on her heart. Her mismatched blue and brown eyes looked so sad. Theodosia gathered her close and kissed her hair.

"How are you?" she said to Xochitl. "I am so sorry about Cualli. I can't even imagine how you're managing."

The stocky woman shrugged. Her dark brown eyes were lined and bruised underneath and her skin looked blotchy from lack of sleep. "We're doing the best we can. Ahuil found you, obviously."

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