Chapter 9

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Chris's P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night to see Johnny and Chad watching some cartoon and Jace fast asleep on the couch. I moved my broken paw to see that it was fully healed and I shifted pulling on a pair of boxers that were next to me. I yawned and stretched before picking up Jace from the love seat and walking to our bedroom. I placed Jace on his side of the bed before stripping him of his shorts leaving his boxers on. I slipped in to the bed behind him before pulling the blankets over us. In the morning I woke up with a start when I heard a crash come from the living room of kitchen. I made sure Jace didn't wake up before getting out of the bed and walking out of the bedroom. What I saw shocked me. Simba, Johnny, and CHad were all covered in what looked like pancake mix and were sliding all over the kitchen floor. Simba saw me and tried to run to me but ended up slipping and sliding had way across the floor. I walked towards him being careful not to slip on the pancake mix. I picked him up and walked towards the bathroom and placed him on the floor before turning on the water and filling the bathtub half way with water. I picked Simba up and looked at him before shaking my head and placing him in the tub and cleaning him off. As I was drying Simba off I heard light foot steps coming this way and I looked up to see Jace standing there rubbing his eyes. He stopped and pulled his hands away from his eyes as he looked at the tub filled with pancake mix.

"What happened?" and asked and pulled the plug letting the dirty water go down the drain.

"Go ask Johnny and Chad I just walked in on them covered in pancake mix." I said and rolled my eyes. He nodded and walked off towards the kitchen. I heard him curse before he came stomping back.

"They left and the kitchen is a mess!" he said pissed and I threw the towel on the towel rack to dry before wrapping my arms around him and rubbing his back trying to calm him down.

"Don't worry baby. If you want I'll clean it up and you can do what ever you want?" I suggested and walked us both out of the bathroom.

"No it's ok I will get them back here to clean it up." he said and walked off grabbing the phone and plopping down on the couch. I watched as Simba trotted after Jace and jumped onto the arm of the couch and onto the back and laid down next to Jace's head. I walked back to the bedroom and pulled on some jeans and an AC/DC band shirt and walked back out to see Johnny and Chad cleaning the kitchen. I raised an eyebrow at Jace and he just smirked at me.

"Oh Chris can you help us?!" Johnny said and gave me a very bad puppy dog face.

"I wasn't the one who made the mess." Johnny sighed and nodded before getting up and started cleaning the oven.

"Well Simba was the one who flip over the bowl so he needs to help clean up!" Chad said looking proud of himself.

"First of dumb ass Simba is a lion cub and doesn't have hands and he is still young so your giving him bad examples." I snapped and Chad had an 'oh yeah' look on his face before going back to cleaning.


It took Johnny and Chad about 3 hours to clean up the mess they made and about ever half hour they wined at how unfair it was that they had to clean the whole mess themselves but Jace would yell at them. When they started to yell back and forth I decided to go to the bedroom and watch T.V. Suddenly I heard Jace screaming for me. I ran out to the living room to see Simba shifting and Jace was panicking his brains out. I picked up Simba from Jace and sped walked to the bathroom and filled the tub with warm water and placed Simba in it to soth his sore bones that were still shifting. His screamed weren't as loud but he kept twisting and turning as his fur sunk into his skin. Half an hour later Simba had fully shifted and was sitting up playing in the water. He had sandy blond hair like his fur and had his yellow lion eyes.

"I'll be right back." Jace said and left the room. I turned back to Simba and splashed water around him and smiled as he laughed his head off. Jace came back carrying a bag that had Babies R Us on the front. I raised and eyebrow at him and he blushed and shrugged his shoulders.

"What? I bought this stuff just in case and its a good thing too!" he said with a huff and I rolled my eyes and pulled him towards me and kissed him. He pulled back and stared to pull stuff out of the bag. He had a bunch of clothes and some toys made for the bath and some not. He put some toys in the bath and Simba played with them running though the water made making sounds not paying attention to either me or Jace. I leaned back against the sink and pulled Jace against my side.

"He shifted early or he's older than I thought." I said and leaned my head against Jace's.

"Honestly I don't care. He's so cute!" he gushed and wrapped his arms around my waist. I nodded in agreement and a couple of minuets later I took Simba and started to dry him off as Jace unplugged the bathtub.

"Um Jace should be put him in a diaper or not?"

"I honestly don't know. I guess we should put him in a diaper for tonight and see what happens." I nodded and pulled a diaper on Simba and put him in some Pjs that were a little to big for him but not enough that he couldn't wear them. I picked him up and walked out to the living room and turned the T.V on to cartoons before making a makeshift bed out of the couch.

"What are you doing?" Jace asked as he handed me a couple of pillows.

"Well I thought he could sleep on the couch tonight and tomorrow after school we can go out and get him stuff to put in the guest room."

"Oh that makes since." he said with a nod of his head before going and sitting next to Simba. I let them watch T.V till 9 and lifting Simba off the floor and placed him in his makeshift bed. I made sure the blankets were completely covering him before kissing his forehead and stepped back so Jace could do the same. I grabbed Jace's hand and tugged him to the bedroom and pushed him onto the bed. He looked at me wide eyed a second before smirking sexily at me and backing further up the bed and leaning back against his elbows. I growled lowly before climbing on the bed and over him. He growled back lightly and pushed his lips against mine. I bit his lower lip and he moaned into my mouth. I pulled my lips back from his and started his kiss from his cheek to his collar bone.

Jace's P.O.V

After me and Chris had our steamy time we plopped down on the bed both on our sides. He ended up spooning me like he usually does. We both fell asleep around midnight.

"Daddy." I heard someone say and them something tugging on my hand. I slowly opened my eyes to see Simba standing there jumping up and down slightly.

"Daddy!" he wined and pulled at my hand again.

"What Simba?" I asked as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Good thing I decided to put my boxers back on.

"I need to use the bathroom." he said and jumped up and down slightly more than he was before. I sighed lowly before picking him up and walking towards the bathroom. I placed him in the floor before pulling his pants and diaper down before placing his on the toilet. When he was done I picked him up and pulled his pants back up and flushed the toilet and took him back out to the living room. I placed him back on the couch before pulling the covers back over him and started to walk out the room.

"Daddy?" Simab called unsure.

"Yes buddy?." I asked softly and walked back over to him and crouch down next to him.

"Can you lay with me?" he begged me and gave me a SUPER cute puppy dog face. I smiled and nodded before lifting him up and laid on the couch before placing him next to me. He snuggled into my side and stuck his thumb into his mouth and started to suck on it as he started to fall asleep. I pulled the blankets tighter around us before falling asleep.


Hey guys can you give me some comments please? I'm thinking of setting a minimum of comment that have to be for this chapter till I upload again so please leave 3 comments on what I should improve on. Thanks

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